Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Piston Engine Performance Diagram Engineering Essay Free Essays
string(48) " the same four exceeding points as in figure 3\." The purpose of this chapter is to happen an aircraft with a constellation that best suits the type of operation of our client. The Piston engine has different flight features from a jet engine. To happen the most suited type of engine the public presentations of the different sort of engines have to be examined ( 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Piston Engine Performance Diagram Engineering Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now 1 ) . There are many Piston engine aircraft available ( including turbo- and supercharged aircraft ) . To separate the most suited Piston engine aircraft at that place will be looked at a broad choice of aircraft where the public presentations, fuel ingestion, scope, figure of riders and the planetary costs are compared. The undermentioned criterion demands are set: the aircraft must be able to wing over a certain tallness of conditions formations, the maximal height is hence distinct to be more than 15.000 pess. Because the aircraft must be suited as concern aircraft and must be able to make more than 15.000 pess, it is necessary to hold a pressurized cabin. Otherwise the concern squad have to set their O masks on which counteract comfort. A conditions radio detection and ranging must be installed to be able to avoid unsafe state of affairss every bit good as de-icing equipment to maximise safety and comfort. The velocity of the aircraft is besides of import because the squad does n on desire to be off from place for long periods. The largest distance and therefore the longest flight clip is 482.2 NM, to be able to cover this distance in a lower limit of 3 hours the velocity of the aircraft must be about 160 karats. Finally the seating capacity of the aircraft must be plenty for the concern squad to go in comfort, the seating capacity must be at least 4 seats including the pilot A ; acirc ; ˆâ„ ¢s place. Now one individual engine and one multi engine Piston aircraft will be chosen ( 3.2 ) . The same comparing will be made to happen the most suited individual jet and multi jet aircraft ( 3.3 ) . Another type of jet aircraft is a turbo-prop, the most suited individual turbo-prop and multi turbo-prop aircraft will be chosen ( 3.4 ) . At last in chapter 3 there will be concluded what the top six aircraft are and why this pick has been made ( 3.5 ) . 3.1 Engine public presentation Aircraft engines generates power to force air rearward ensuing a tenseness drawing the aircraft forwards which is called push. The Piston engine, jet engine and propjet engine prescribed in chapter 2 are all plausible power workss to be equipped on the client his aircraft. Engine public presentation of those three engines differ. Piston engines execute comparatively low power causation aircraft equipped with Piston engine winging slow and on low heights ( 3.1.1 ) . Aircraft intended to wing faster and higher are likely equipped with jet engines or turbo prop engines. Jet engines has a comparatively high compaction ratio which consequences in a more expeditiously fuel burn ( 3.1.2 ) . Jet engines faces more external influences which could impact engine public presentation, compared with Piston engines. Turboprop engines about don`t differ from jet engines, because turbo prop engines does be of an integrated jet engine. The lone factor which has a negative influence on engine public pr esentation is the propellor efficiency ( 3.1.3 ) 3.1.1 Performance Piston engines A Piston engine generates shaft power by firing fuel in reciprocating Pistons, to drive a propellor mounted on the engine. The power produced by the engine itself is defined as shaft brake power ( Pbr ) . Pbr is non the entire power, which is available to impel the aircraft. A portion of the Pbr dissipates due inefficiencies or aerodynamic losingss of the propellor. The propellor efficiency ( A ; deg ; A?A? A ; deg ; ) multiplied with the Pbr consequences in the power available ( Pa ) . Pa is besides equal to the true airspeed ( TAS ) multiplied with the push ( T ) . Paragraph 2.1.1 at page $ $ $ explained that propellor efficiency varies with the TAS, and the propellor pitch additions when TAS increases and frailty versa to keep the optimal propellor efficiency, if a variable velocity propellor is integrated. Power required ( Pr ) Is the power needed to keep TAS in an un-accelerated degree flight. Pr is equal with the TAS multiplied with the retarding force ( D ) . Figure 3.1 indi cates a public presentation diagram of a Piston engine. 1 = Stall velocity 2 = Max endurance 3 = Max scope 4 = Max velocity Figure 3.1 Piston engine public presentation diagram This public presentation diagram shows two lines, which circumscribe the Pa, and the Pr. Pa varies depending on trust scenes. This diagram shows the highest possible push scenes, be cognizant that the Pa line is able to traverse the Pr line at any numbered point aligned in the diagram. The aircraft accelerates if the Pa is more compared with the Pr, and height is maintained. The diagram shows four exceeding points with respect to an un-accelerated degree flight. The stall velocity ( 1 ) is the lowest possible Tantalum in a horizontal flight. The lift coefficient CL is maximal at point one. The maximal endurance ( 2 ) is the velocity, which requires the lowest needed push. Piston engine push scenes are straight relative with the fuel flow per clip unit. That means that per unit of fuel, the longest clip can be flown. The maximal scope ( 3 ) aligns the minimal ratio between Pr and TAS. Keeping the maximal scope velocity means that per unit of fuel, the longest distance can be flown. It besides means that the CL/CD ratio is maximum. The maximal velocity ( 4 ) aligns the point where Pr is equal to Pa. There is no power available left to speed up, or ascent keeping the same TAS. The public presentation diagram demoing in figure 3.1 shows a general overview of Piston engine public presentation. The aligned operational velocities could change due to certain conditions. Conditionss that affect piston engine public presentation are: Aircraft weight Altitude ad 1 aircraft weight Appendix 3.1.1 shows the same four exceeding points as in figure 3. You read "Piston Engine Performance Diagram Engineering Essay" in category "Essay examples"1. Due to the influence of weight, the Pa remains the same because the engine public presentation is non depending on aircraft weight. As figure 3.2 shows, the stall velocity ( 1 ) additions when aircraft weight additions. Stall velocity additions with a factor. When aircraft weight doubles, the stall velocity additions by 41 % . The soap endurance ( 2 ) lessenings because the entire retarding force and fuel flow per unit clip increases as aircraft weight additions. Remarkable is that the soap endurance velocity additions while aircraft weight additions. The soap scope ( 3 ) lessenings while aircraft weight additions. Max scope is inversely relative with aircraft weight. The soap scope velocity additions as aircraft weight additions. The soap velocity ( 4 ) lessenings when aircraft weight additions. ad 2 height Appendix 3.1.2 shows the influence of height on Piston engine public presentations. Piston engines public presentation depends on air denseness. Pa varies with height since air denseness decreases if height additions. There are besides four exceeding points in the diagram as in figure 3.1 and appendix 3.1.1. The stall velocity ( TAS ) ( 1 ) additions if altitude additions. The Indicated airspeed ( IAS ) remains the same because entire air force per unit area, which is measured and expressed in IAS, remains the same. The soap endurance ( 2 ) lessenings because Pr additions due to a lessening in air denseness. The soap scope ( 3 ) does non depend on height. The soap scope velocity additions if altitude additions. This means that fuel ingestion per maritime stat mi remains the same while the TAS additions. So a distance can be flown faster without salvaging fuel. The soap velocity ( TAS ) ( 4 ) additions if altitude additions. 3.1.2 Performance Jet Engine Aircraft sdfsdfsdfsdfsdfdsfsf 1 1 2 4 3 The available push of jet engines is in direct proportion to the fuel flow of the engine ; by increasing the fuel flow the engine generates more thrust. By uniting the retarding force and lift of an aircraft as a map of the air velocity, a public presentation diagram can be made for jet engines ( figure 3.X ) . This diagram shows of import velocities, which are straight related to the lift and retarding force of the aircraft. The first of import velocity in the diagram is the 1g-stall velocity ( 1 ) . This is the minimal horizontal velocity of the aircraft, besides called the 1g-stall velocity. At this velocity the aircraft is winging with an angle of onslaught, which has the greatest lift coefficient ( CL-max ) . The 2nd of import velocity is the maximal endurance velocity ( 2 ) . This is the velocity at which the aircraft has the lowest retarding force. The lowest retarding force consequences in the lowest fuel flow so that the aircraft can digest the longest clip with this velocit y ; hence the maximal endurance velocity. Not merely is the maximal endurance velocity of import to cognize, but besides the maximal scope velocity of the aircraft ( 3 ) . At this velocity the relation between velocity and retarding force is at its lower limit, which makes the fuel flow per winging distance minimal. This consequences in the velocity at which the aircraft can wing the furthest. Finally the maximal horizontal velocity of the aircraft is besides shown on the diagram ( 4 ) . This is the velocity at which the upper limit available push is equal to the retarding force of the aircraft. Figure 3.X Performance diagram jet engine 1 = 1g-stall velocity 2 = soap. endurance velocity 3 = soap. scope velocity 4 = soap. horizontal velocity All these different operating velocities vary due to certain conditions. The conditions that affect the public presentation of an aircraft with jet engines are: The height The ambient temperature The air velocity The weight of the aircraft ad 1 The height As we know, the ambient air force per unit area decreases as the height additions. With a diminishing air force per unit area the denseness besides decreases which consequences in less mass air flow into the engine and therefore less thrust. The retarding force of the aircraft is, nevertheless, independent of the height. With an increasing height, the retarding force remains the same while the true air velocity ( TAS ) increases because of a diminishing air denseness. This has every bit consequence that the stall velocity additions in TAS. The endurance of jet engines is changeless with the height and the maximal scope additions with an increasing height ( appendix 3.1 ) . ad 2 The ambient temperature Jet engines are limited by the RPM and the turbine gas temperature ( TGT ) of the engine. When the ambient temperature is high, the engine will make its maximal TGT Oklahoman than when the ambient temperature is lower. When the ambient temperature is comparatively low, the engine can run at higher Revolutions per minute before the TGT is reached, ensuing in more thrust. At high ambient temperatures the push of the engine varies with the temperature, but at comparatively low temperatures ( below ISA+15 ) the generated push is changeless with the RPM. At these temperatures the engine is called level rated. ad 3 The air velocity As the airspeed additions, the produced push of the jet engine will cut down due to an addition of the recess impulse retarding force. Air come ining the recess of the engine is slowed down and loses impulse due to compaction, before it is accelerated once more. This loss of impulse is called recess impulse retarding force and consequences in a decreasing push with an increasing air velocity. The addition of air velocity, nevertheless, besides consequences in more air mass per unit volume through the engine, which leads to an addition of push. These opposing effects consequence in an overall push, which varies depending on the engine A ; acirc ; ˆâ„ ¢s design ( appendix 3.2 ) . ad 4 The weight of the aircraft The weight of the aircraft besides has a important influence on the public presentation of an aircraft with jet engines. It does non impact the public presentation of the engine itself, but the whole aircraft. More weight of an aircraft consequences in more retarding force. To get the better of this retarding force and to maintain winging horizontal, the aircraft should increase its angle of onslaught or increase its air velocity. The public presentation diagram shows that an increasing weight of an aircraft has a negative consequence on the public presentation of the aircraft ( appendix 3.3 ) . The stall velocity additions with an increasing weight and the endurance and maximal scope will both lessening with an increasing aircraft weight. 3.1.3 Performance Turbo-prop Engine The public presentation of a turbo-prop aircraft is about similar to the jet aircraft. The turbo-prop engine is driven by a jet engine. In a turbo-jet engine the speed and force per unit area of the exhaust gases create the push but in the turbo-prop engine merely a little sum of the push comes from the fumes gases. This is due to the fact that most of the energy has been absorbed by the turbine for driving the propellor. When ciphering turbo-prop public presentations the public presentation of a jet engine can be taken, merely thing where must be thought of is the propellor efficiency. 3.2 Most suited Piston aircraft From all the little Piston aircraft ( including turbo- and supercharged aircraft ) , there will be looked at the public presentation, fuel ingestion, scope, figure of riders, and the planetary costs to find the best scorch engine and the best multi engine Piston aircraft. Global costs are several variable costs such as fuel ingestion, set downing fees and an estimation of care. First a comparing will be made of single-engine Piston aircraft ( 3.2.1 ) and thenceforth a comparing of multi-engine Piston aircraft ( 3.2.2 ) . A concluding recommendation will demo the most suited aircraft of its type for the intents set in this chapter. 3.2.1 Single engine In this paragraph the most suited aircraft with a individual Piston engine is determent. A pre-selection is made with initial demands. Those demands are range, take-off distance, and monetary value. The following tabular array ( table A ; acirc ; ˆÂ ¦.aircraft comparing ) show which aircraft meets the demands set earlier. A ; Acirc ; Range ( nanometer ) Takeoff Distance ( foot ) MTOW Landing Distance ( foot ) MLW soap sail elevation ( foot ) Cruising velocity ( karat ) monetary value ( dollar ) Cessna P210N Turbo centurion II 900 600 500 27.000 193 438.000 Cessna Skyhawk SP 640 1.630 1.335 14.000 124 307.500 Cessna Turno Skylane 971 1.385 1.350 20.000 165 398.100 Cessna Turbo Stationair 703 1740 1395 27.000 164 557.500 Cessna Corvalis TTx 1.250 1.900 2.640 25.000 235 733.950 Beechcraft Bonanza G36 908 1.913 1.450 18.500 176 691.390 Piper Matrix 1.343 1.087 1.028 25.000 213 757.000 Piper Arrow 880 1.000 620 16.200 137 323.850 Piper Archer LX 522 1.135 920 14.100 128 319.200 Cirrus SR20 785 1478 853 17.500 155 276.690 Cirrus SR22 1.170 1594 1141 17.500 185 380.000 Cirrus SR22T 947 822 1.141 25.000 214 475.000 Average 918 1357 1198 20567 174 471515 Table A ; acirc ; ˆÂ ¦.aircraft comparing With the current demands the aircraft are able to acquire to their finishs and land safely within the budget. With the extra demands determent before in this chapter the most suited aircraft is explained. After those extra demands the Cessna P210N Turbo centurion II is left as the most suited aircraft. The Cessna P210N has a pressurized cabin, a maximal sail height of 27.000 foot, a conditions radio detection and ranging option and de-icing equipment. The Cessna is capable of easing siting for five riders and has a high plenty cruising velocity of 193 karats. In Annex A ; acirc ; ˆÂ ¦ . ( Annual sum-up ) a comparing is made of the selected aircraft and the costs over 10 old ages. In this comparing the Cessna P210N is one of the more expansive aircraft but the lone aircraft that fits the demands needed for this type of concern trips. The initial costs of the Cessna P210N are approximative 343.600 euro and the variable costs with 300 flight hours yearly are 75.794 euro. Variable costs include fuel, airframe care, labour and parts, engine Restoration and assorted costs. In ten old ages the sum costs will be about 1.101.607 euro. 3.2.2 Multi engine Piston aircraft Multi engine Piston aircraft have better belongingss than individual engine Piston aircraft. There are many legislated multi engine Piston aircraft normally used in the European general air power. However, some of these aircraft do non run into the managers demands stated in paragraph 3.2.1. The staying aircraft besides needed to hold a pressurisation system and de/anti ice equipment ( table 3.x ) A ; Acirc ; Range ( nanometer ) Takeoff Distance ( foot ) MTOW Landing Distance ( foot ) MLW soap sail elevation ( foot ) Cruising velocity ( karat ) monetary value ( dollar ) Beechcraft 58P Baron 1356 2200 2000 20000 200 325.000 Beechcraft G58 Baron 1200 2500 2300 20688 192 829.000 Beechcraft 60 Duke 1020 2200 2000 30000 214 193.000 Beechcraft B60 Duke 1120 2200 2000 30000 214 250.000 Cessna 340A 1405 2400 2200 29800 170 299.000 Cessna 411 1130 2700 2500 26000 202 135.000 Cessna 414A 1327 2600 2400 30800 183 189.000 Cessna 421A 1488 2400 2200 27000 197 75.000 Cessna 421C 1712 2400 2200 30200 205 249.000 Piper PA31 Navajo 1160 2200 2000 29000 165 169.000 Average 1292 2380 2180 27348 194 271.300 Table 3.x Aircraft comparing These aircraft are besides compared on estimated variable costs ( appendix†¦ .Multi engine Piston aircraft ) . The most expensive aircraft to buy, turns out to be the cheapest aircraft in a period of 10 old ages ; the Beechcraft G58 Baron. This aircraft will hold an estimated variable cost of 278 euro per flight hr. When runing 300 flight hours annually, the estimated sum costs of the Beechcraft G58 Baron are 1.479.660 euro in a period of 10 old ages. 3.3 Jet aircraft The most suited single- and multi-piston engine aircraft are found. The following aircraft type looked at is the jet engine. The jet engine has an recess, which sucks in the air ; the air is so quickly compressed and fuelled to light. After ignition the air has a enormous increased velocity, which propels the aircraft. There is a figure of jet aircraft presently used. Some of the aircraft have merely one engine others could hold six. In the hunt of our aircraft we look at the individual engine jets and the jet aircraft, which have two engines. The jet aircraft with one jet is called a Single Jet engine aircraft ( 3.3.1 ) . The aircraft with two or more engines is called a multi-engine Jet aircraft ( 3.3.2 ) . For either type of aircraft the best aircraft is chosen in order to happen the best aircraft for our CEO. 3.3.1 Single engine A individual engine jet aircraft is exceeding in its sort. The aircraft uses one jet engine, which propels the aircraft. This sort of aircraft is more luxury than their similar sized propellor aircraft. For illustration the aircraft has the option to hold a lavatory inside the aircraft. The downside of this sort of aircraft is that the initial cost of the aircraft is much higher than the propellor driven aircraft. The initial monetary value A ; Acirc ; Range ( nanometer ) Takeoff Distance ( foot ) MTOW Landing Distance ( foot ) MLW soap sail elevation ( foot ) Cruising velocity ( karat ) monetary value ( dollar ) Diamond D-Jet 1350 2500 1900 25.000 240 1.380.000 Excel-Jet SportJet 1000 1800 1800 25.000 A ; Acirc ; 1.000.000 Piper Jet Altaire 1300 2.300 2.000 35.000 320 2.199.000 Eclipse 400 1250 2.045 2.100 41.000 A ; Acirc ; 1.350.000 Cirrus Vision SF50 1200 1.600 1.245 28.000 210 1.000.000 of these sorts of aircraft is about one million dollars and the monetary value per flight hr varies from 500 dollars to 700 dollars. Table 3.X shows the monetary values and specifications of five different individual jet aircraft. Three of the five aircraft are more expensive seen the initial monetary value and monetary value per hr. The monetary values of the Diamond D-Jet and the Piper Jet Altaire are significantly higher than the other three ; this will except both of them. The Excel-Jet Sportjet is still a truly futuristic aircraft, the aircraft is meant to be a make it yourself aircraft so this will except the aircraft. The initial monetary value and monetary value per 3000 hours is comparable to the last two, but there is no known information about De-icing. Three of the five aircraft are now excluded from our picks, this will ensue in the determination between the Eclipse 400 and the Cirrus Vision SF50. Both aircraft have alone expressions ; they both have a V-tail and one jet engine located between the V-tail. Both aircraft have luxury seats and the cockpit is futuristic for the pilot. The specifications are all tantrum for the undertaking it has to follow with. The scopes of the aircraft are adequate to wing to every location and back without the demand of refuelling the aircraft. Both aircraft can wing the needed velocity to keep a maximal flight clip of two hours to any of the locations. Besides both aircraft have de-icing equipment ; the Cirrus Vision has metal boots and the Eclipse 400 has rubber boots. The difference between the two aircraft ballad in the initial cost and the cost per hr. The Eclipse 400 has an initial cost of 1.35 million dollars and the Cirrus Vision costs one million dollars. But the A ; acirc ; ˆ?per hr A ; acirc ; ˆA? monetary value of the Eclipse 400 is 80 dollars less than the Cirrus Vision. The first 3000 flight hours the Eclipse 400 is still more expensive. But the Eclipse is less expensive than the Cirrus Vision after 4375 flight hours. A decision can be made on these findings, the initial monetary value of the Eclipse 400 is 350.000 dollars more but the Eclipse will be less expensive after 4375 hours. If the CEO is winging the aircraft for a period of more than 5000 hours the difference in monetary value will be 50.000 dollars. The Numberss given are achieved doing usage of simple math equations, which include initial monetary value plus cost per hr apparatus against the clip flown with the aircraft. All the monetary values for the cost includi ng 3000 flight hours and the differences are given in dollars. In euros the entire monetary value for the Eclipse 400 will be 25.000 over two million and the entire monetary value for the Cirrus Vision will be 60.000 euros under two million. This is the initial cost of the aircraft plus the 3000 flight hours. However the initial specifications asked by the CEO are set on 3000 flight hours. After 3000 flight hours the Cirrus Vision is still less expensive than the Eclipse 400. So the Cirrus Vision is the chosen individual Jet aircraft. Table 3.X 3.3.2 Multi engine jet aircraft Multi engine jet aircraft has plausible the best public presentation in airspeed and height compared with propjet and Piston engine aircraft. The advantage of runing a twin engine aircraft is the dependability to do a safe attack after an engine failure. The disadvantage is that keeping two jet engines is more expensive alternatively of 1 jet engine. The purchase costs of an aircraft in the class A ; acirc ; ˆ?very visible radiation jet A ; acirc ; ˆA? starts from an approximate A ; acirc ; ‚ ¬700.000. Tabel ten shows the most suited purchase options in the class multi engine jet aircraft. A ; Acirc ; Range ( nanometer ) Takeoff Distance ( foot ) MTOW Landing Distance ( foot ) MLW soap sail elevation ( foot ) Cruising velocity ( karat ) monetary value ( A ; acirc ; ‚ ¬ ) Maverick smartjet 1250 1320 1447 25.000 277 697.500 Embrear bequest 500 3000 4600 2100 45.000 608 1.416.800 Embrear bequest 450 2300 4000 2000 45.000 593 1.170.400 Tabel ten In add-on to the clients demand there is no suited aircraft in this class. The Maverick smart jet agrees the budget but is non equipped with a de-icing installing. Both Embrear Legacy aircraft agree the clients demands, and would run absolutely on the determined paths. The lone advantages are the cabin size which is designed to transport up to eight people, and both aircraft require aviation of 2 pilots. 3.4 Most suited turbo-prop From all the little turbo-prop aircraft, there will be looked at the public presentation, fuel ingestion, scope, figure of riders, and the planetary costs to find the best scorch engine ( 3.4.1 ) and the best multi engine turbo-prop ( 3.4.2 ) aircraft. Global costs are several variable costs such as fuel ingestion, set downing fees and an estimation of care. Finding a suited aircraft that fulfils the operating demands within the budget is hard, because turbo-prop engines are expansive. 3.4.1 Single engine In this paragraph the most suited aircraft with a individual propjet engine is determent. Again a preselecting is made with the initial demands. The two functional aircraft are seen in tabular array†¦ .. ( Aircraft comparing ) . A ; Acirc ; Range ( nanometer ) Takeoff Distance ( foot ) MTOW Landing Distance ( foot ) MLW soap sail elevation ( foot ) Cruising velocity ( karat ) MTOW ( pound ) Pressurized cabin Seating monetary value ( dollar ) Pilatus PC-6 870 1.444 1.033 25.000 125 6.173 A ; Acirc ; No 10 1.000.000 Cessna Caravan 1.295 1.160 715 25.000 186 8.000 A ; Acirc ; No 11 1.600.000 Table A ; acirc ; ˆÂ ¦.Aircraft comparing Both aircraft are by all agencies able to transport adequate people. The Pilatus PC-6 does non suit the velocity bound and is hence non possible as concern aircraft for this operation. The Cessna Caravan does carry through the velocity bound but is a small overpriced. The initial costs can be raised, if the aircraft turns out to be the best. The Cessna has de-icing equipment and conditions radio detection and ranging. The variable costs of the Cessna will be about 500 Euro per runing hr. Variable costs include fuel, airframe care, labor and parts, engine Restoration and assorted costs. The variable costs in ten old ages based on 300 flight hours a twelvemonth will be 1.500.000 euro. The operating costs of the Cessna Caravan in ten old ages will be about 2.753.721 Euro. The Cessna Caravan is the most suited individual engine propjet aircraft but does non suit the concern operation because there is no pressurized cabin available. Reasoning it can be said that in this monetary value class and the type of engine there is no suited aircraft for the company A ; acirc ; ˆâ„ ¢s demands. 3.4.2 Most Suitable Multi-Engine Propjet Aircraft Four different aircraft are found for the most suited Multi-Engine Propjet aircraft. The job is that the aircraft all deficiency of the de-icing equipment needed for the most suited aircraft. There is an option on every aircraft to attach boots on the wings and the stabilizers. But the anti-ice equipment needed on the propellor blades is non included in any of the aircraft. In short the multi-engine propjet aircraft are excluded for the most suited aircraft, which would be recommended to the CEO. If we deny the fact that the de-icing equipment is non valuable plenty the aircraft are still excessively expensive to suit the budget. The budget is 1.5 million dollars and the cheapest multi propjet ( Hawker Beechcraft King Air C90GTx ) aircraft costs 3.6 million dollars. Besides the monetary values per flight hr start from 500 dollars per hr boulder clay 690 dollars per hr. So the estimated monetary value for the undermentioned 3000 flight hours is non interesting for the CEO. A decision can be made harmonizing to the findings for the most suited multi-engine propjet aircraft. None of the found aircraft fit the parametric quantities, which are set up for the most suited aircraft. A ; Acirc ; Range ( nanometer ) Max sail elevation ( ft. ) Max velocity ( karat ) Cruising velocity ( karat ) Cost pH ( $ ) Pressurized cabin Price ( $ ) Cost 3000FH ( $ ) De-Icing King Air 250 1610 35.000 310 A ; Acirc ; 630 Yes 5.800.000 7.690.000 No Piaggio P180 Avanti II 1470 41.000 402 690 Yes 5.700.000 7.770.000 No Piaggio P166 915 24.000 220 220 540 No 5.000.000 6.620.000 No King Air C90GTx 1311 30.000 270 208 500 Yes 3.600.000 5.100.000 No Table 3.X 3.5 Decision There were six classs out of which the best aircraft is chosen. As there was no multi jet engine aircraft which fits in the managers demands, five aircraft where selected ( table 3.x ) . Range ( nanometer ) Take Off Distance ( foot ) MTOW Landing Distance ( foot ) MLW Max Cruise Alt. ( foot ) Cruise Speed ( karat ) MTOW ( pound ) Seatings Price ( euro ) Costss per FH ( euro ) Cessna P210 Turbo Centurion II 900 600 500 27.000 193 4.000 5 341.640 251,16 Beechcraft G58 Baron 1.200 2.500 2.300 20.688 202 5.500 6 646.620 277,68 Cirrus Vision SF50 1.200 1.600 1.245 28.000 210 6.000 7 1.528.000 390 Cessna Caravan 1.295 1.160 715 25.000 186 8.000 11 1.248.000 390 Beechcraft King Air C90GTx 1.311 2.552 2.363 30.000 208 10.485 8 2.808.000 390 Average 1.181 1.682 14.24 26.138 200 6.797 7 1.314.452 339,77 Table 3.x Selected aircraft The best three aircraft demand to be chosen out of these five aircraft. The Beechcraft King Air C90GTx is the first aircraft, which drops off because of the high purchase monetary value. The 2nd aircraft, which drops off, is the Cessna Caravan ; the purchase monetary value does non suit in with the public presentations. This means that the top three aircraft are the Cessna P210 Turbo Centurion II, the Beechcraft G58 Baron and the Cirrus Vision SF50. The Cessna P210 Turbo Centurion II is the cheapest aircraft in a period of 10 old ages, it is nevertheless the smallest and the slowest aircraft. The Beechcraft G58 Baron is more expensive than the Cessna, it is nevertheless more epicurean and has a higher sail velocity. The Cirrus Vision is the most expensive aircraft of the three. It provides nevertheless many services which can non be found at the other three aircraft. The seven seats arrangement can be easy adapted in a four seats agreement, which consequences in tonss of infinite and comfort. The cabin has an optional toilet and there is a orbiter phone connexion available. A worldwide conditions system is integrated in the Garmin GFC700 pilotage show. The Garmin GFC700 pilotage system besides supports RNAV, which is utile when voyaging with DME and NDB beacons is over. The Cirrus Vision fills the spread between high public presentation Pistons, traditional propjet twins and visible radiation concern jets. How to cite Piston Engine Performance Diagram Engineering Essay, Essay examples
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