Friday, November 29, 2019
6 Must Have Trifles You Will Buy for Leftover Funds If You Find Someone to Ask ‘Write My Essay for Cheap’
The written assignments are ones of the top detested tasks among all students. As an abundance of demands should be followed if a student wishes to receive a positive grade. It is especially important if a student battles against examination or admission essay. Most students may want to tell somebody help write my essay by the end of a semester. However, the most frequent question that students start asking when the time presses and when there is a necessity to write an essay in the fastest way is: Is it possible to write my essay in the most effective way and within the shortest deadline? We have to admit that it is possible to overcome the great wall of written assignments. Fortunately, there are some ways to get assistance with writing your academic papers. 5 Popular Ways to Cope with Assignments The actual research processes. This is a hard stage. However, a student has to gather all the efforts and starts writing. It may be difficult, there will be mistakes, but it is an essential and unavoidable part of learning. As a result, the student will write an essay and gain some new scientific experience that will be used further on. Relying on various sources. With the appearance of the Internet, students tend to practice the method of compilation. They find easily the required information on the web and compile it together. But very often, they forget to add the citations. In most cases, the work is accused of plagiarism. This fact can spoil the reputation of the student to a great extent. The writing of the scientific papers can be considered a compilation itself, but the information of other people serves for the supporting of own thoughts and not just to be presented for public judgment. Using the similar essays on the web. The same essay topics may have been given to other students in other universities or on previous courses. Some fellows find the essays on the same topics and start transforming it by using their own words rewriting it. Basically, such work doesnt carry any value, but at least, the student manages to write it in an acceptable way so it could pass the plagiarism checking. Asking fellow students for assistance. It has become a popular way to earn money among clever students. They take orders from their groupmates or lower-course students and write an assignment for money. Depending on the skills a student has, the quality of the essay can vary as well. Search for a cheap essay writing service. With the development of the web, it has become possible to create large networks of writers who work together on various types of assignments. There are even professors from various fields of science, so the quality of the products is definitely guaranteed. What Assignments Can I Buy for Sale? If you place write my paper for me request on our website, the expert staff is always ready to help you with such papers: Essay; Dissertation; Term paper; Thesis; Research paper; Other kinds of academic works. 6 Reasons for Searching Cheap Essay Writing Services A student may require cheap essay help due to various reasons: A student might be piled up with assignments on various topics. Not all students are able to handle all these tasks until the deadline; Most students combine the work and studies. Studying at a college is not free, and the semester payment is supposed to be performed. There might be some particular types of academic writing with which a student is not able to cope. For example, to organize a case study, create the eloquent speech, develop an outline, carry out a comparative analysis, etc. Each type of writing can have some specific requirements, and students face serious obstacles during the work. A research topic can be quite problematic because of the narrow specification or lack of available material. Some individuals can be poorly encouraged in writing the great academic works by the faculty staff. Students are short of time to rest. The tension imposed on their shoulders has become an unbearable burden. Thats why writing an essay is a real torture for the majority. Face the same difficulties? Dont hesitate to be enough encouraged to buy custom essays online. 7 Useful Features of Resorting to Custom Writing Services Most students would like to know in what way the custom writing service is better than other ways of getting an essay written. Here are the most exclusive features that will be available for the student who decides to work with the professional essay writing company: A writing agency guarantees a plagiarism-free content. All papers are thoroughly checked for grammar and lexical mistakes. The services follow all the demands that are set by a customer. There are some special guidance services when they are needed. The texts are written by real experts who demonstrate mastery of writing the academic texts from the selected category. Most services have got 24/7 support team to help you asap. There are some free paper samples available for a greater inspiration. 6 Must-Have Trifles You Will Buy for Leftover Funds If You Buy Papers for Cheap In the minds of most people, the word cheap is associated with something of a low quality. So, you may be sure that if you find the cheap writing service, your essay will fail after handing it in. That is an entirely wrong opinion, and it would be wiser to use the term affordable instead of cheap as our subconsciousness accepts it in a better way. You can buy custom papers to have leftover funds that can be spent on buying: 1) Eraser Board Fridge This multifunctional tool allows you to organize information visually. The study shows that people are far better at remembering what they see than what they hear. With the help of this trifle, there are chances to be more productive. Write down all your plans for the following day. You can easily monitor your assignment deadlines. If you wish, you can decorate it with your own paintings or photos. 2) Breakfast Sandwich Maker Such a tool will simplify your morning efforts and help you make a tasty sandwich for breakfast. Remember that it is not a good idea to skip the morning meal according to FitDay. Just put all the ingredients in the maker, and it will do the job instead of you. Especially, it is useful when you are in a hurry and dont have much time to cook a classic breakfast at all. 3) Portable Backup Charger Today, we solve any issue by means of phones call an ambulance or tow truck. We never know when an unexpected situation will appear. That is why our phones should always be charged-up. Moreover, if you are a fan of traveling, this thing is indispensable for you to take photos. You can use your device as a GPS navigator if you are in a new city or even a country. 4) Noise Cancelling Headphones Oh, these annoying noises in a transport, dorm, and college they are everywhere. Buy noise-cancelling headphones and listen to the pure sound of your favorite songs. According to Psychology Today, listening to favorite songs reduces the risks of heart diseases. 5) Fitness Tracker This helper is used for tracking your physical activity, sleep phases, and eating habits. You cant ignore your health while studying! If you always study for long hours, this effective tool informs you that it is time to walk or sleep. Stick to the successful education with the help of modern technology. 6) External Hard Drive Remember, backing up your files is the only guarantee of their safety. Your computer can break down at a critical juncture and would cause lots of problems while writing a coursework. External hard drive is a perfect place to store all the important data. If you do not have enough money to order a sample paper from a professional writing service, you can refer to a cheap agency to spend less cash. In this case, you will have to apply more efforts to create a perfect essay, but you will save some money that you can spend on something useful for your college life and not just that.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Harriet Tubman on the Twenty Dollar Bill
Harriet Tubman on the Twenty Dollar Bill Harriet Tubman was an amazing woman - she escaped slavery, freed hundreds of others, and even worked as a spy during the Civil War. Now she’s going to grace the front of the twenty dollar bill. But is this move progress or pandering? The Current State of Currency The faces of United States currency have a few things in common. They feature prominent figures in American history. Figures such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Benjamin Franklin have been pictured on our paper money, and some of our coins, for decades. These individuals were prominent in the founding and/or leadership of the nation. Not surprising, money is sometimes referred to colloquially as â€Å"dead presidents,†despite the fact that some figures on the money, such as Alexander Hamilton and Benjamin Franklin, were never presidents. In some ways, that fact does not matter much to the public. Hamilton, Franklin, and the others are larger than life figures in the history of the founding of the nation. It makes sense that the currency would feature them. However, what Washington, Lincoln, Hamilton, and Franklin also have in common is that they are prominent white men. Indeed, very few women, and fewer people of color more generally, have been featured on U.S. currency. For example, prominent women’s suffragist Susan B. Anthony was featured on a United States dollar coin minted from 1979 to 1981; however, the series was halted due to poor public reception, only to be reissued again for a short period in 1999. The following year another dollar coin, this time featuring the Native American guide and interpreter from the Shoshone nation, Sacagewa, who led Lewis and Clark on their expedition. Like the Susan B. Anthony coin, the golden dollar coin featuring Sacagewa was unpopular with the public and is of primary interest to collectors. But it looks like things are about to change. Now several women, including Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Susan B. Anthony, Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Marian Anderson, and Alice Paul will be gracing other denominations of paper money in the next upcoming years. How Did It Happen? A group called Women on 20s has been advocating to replace former president Andrew Jackson on the twenty dollar bill. The non-profit, grassroots organization had one major goal: to convince President Obama that now is the time to put a woman’s face on America’s paper currency. Women on 20s used an online election format with two rounds of voting that let the public choose a nominee from an original slate of 15 inspiring women from American history, women such as Wilma Mankiller, Rosa Parks, Eleanor Roosevelt, Margaret Sanger, Harriet Tubman and others. Over the course of 10 weeks, more than half a million people cast votes, with Harriet Tubman ultimately emerging as the winner. On May 12, 2015, Women On 20s presented a petition to President Obama with the election results. The group also encouraged him to instruct Secretary of the Treasury Jacob Lew to use his authority to make this currency change in time to have a new bill in circulation before the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage in 2020. And, after a year of public polls, discussion, and agitation, Harriet Tubman was chosen to be the face of the new twenty dollar bill. Why the $20 Bill? It’s all about the centennial of the 19th amendment, which granted (most but not all) women the right to vote. 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment and Women on 20s sees having women on the currency as the most appropriate way commemorate that milestone, arguing that â€Å"Let’s make the names of female ‘disrupters’- the ones who led the way and dared to think differently as well-known as their male counterparts. In the process, maybe it will get a little easier to see the way to full political, social and economic equality for women. And hopefully, it wont take another century to realize the motto inscribed on our money: E pluribus unum, or ‘Out of many, one.’†The move to replace Jackson makes sense. While he has been hailed throughout history because of his lowly beginnings and rise to the White House and his conservative views on spending, he was also an unabashed racist who engineered the removal of indigenous people from the southeast - also known as the infamous Trail of Tears - to make way for white settlers and the expansion of slavery because of his belief in Manifest Destiny. He is responsible for some of the darkest chapters in American history. The group’s focus on putting women on paper money is a key one. Women had been featured on coins and not the frequently used ones such as the quarter yet those coins have been unpopular and have gone out of circulation quickly. Putting women on more frequently used paper money means that millions will use this currency. It means that women’s faces will be staring back at us while we buy groceries or tip servers or make it rain at the strip club. And instead of it being â€Å"all about the Benjamins,†it may be all about the Tubmans. Who Is Harriet Tubman? Harriet Tubman was a slave, a conductor on the Underground Railroad, a nurse, a spy, and a suffragist. She was born into slavery in the 1820s in Dorchester, Maryland and named Araminta by her family. Tubman’s family was fractured by slavery and her own life was marred by violence and pain. For example, when she was 13, she received a blow to her from her master that resulted in a lifetime of illness, including headaches, narcolepsy, and seizures. In her 20s, she decided to take the ultimate risk: fleeing slavery. To call Tubman brave is an understatement. She not only made the perilous escape from slavery herself, she also returned South dozens of times to free hundreds of others. She used disguises to evade and outwit slave catchers and never lost a single person on the flight to freedom. During the Civil War, Tubman worked as a nurse, cook, scout, and spy. In fact, in 1863, she led an armed raid that freed 700 slaves in South Carolina on the Combahee River. Harriet Tubman has the great distinction of being the first woman ever to lead a military expedition in American history. After the civil war, Tubman was an avid suffragist who worked with high profile women’s rights advocates such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, lecturing on the right to vote. Later in life, after retiring to a farm outside of Auburn, New York, and after a long and arduous process of appeals, she secured a pension for herself of $20 per month for her Civil War efforts which makes it all the more ironic that she will now grace the front of the $20. Is This Progress or Pandering? Harriet Tubman is undoubtedly a great American hero. She fought for the oppressed and put her own life and body on the line numerous times for others. As a Black woman freedom fighter, her life is a primary example of what it means to fight intersectionally - taking into account various intersecting oppressions. She represents some of the most marginalized in our history and her name and memory should be on the lips of schoolchildren everywhere. But should she be on the $20? Many have hailed the decision to replace Andrew Jackson with Harriet Tubman, citing the move as evidence of the great progress our nation has made. Indeed, during part of her life Tubman was legally recognized as chattel - that is, movable property like a candlestick, or a chair, or cattle. She could have been legally bought or sold with U.S. currency. Therefore, goes the argument, the fact that she will now be the face of money shows how far we have come. Others have remarked that this same irony is why Tubman should not be on the $20. The argument is that a woman who risked her life countless times in order to free others, and who spent her years advocating for social change should not be associated with something as debased as money. Also, some argue that the fact that she was considered property for much of her life makes her inclusion on the twenty dollar bill hypocritical and distasteful. Still more insist that Tubman on the $20 simply pays lip service to issues of racism and inequality. In a moment where activists are trying to make the claim that Black Lives Matter and when systemic oppression has still left Blacks on the bottom of the social totem pole, some wonder about how useful it is to have Harriet Tubman on the $20. Others have argued that paper currency should only be reserved for government officials and presidents. This is a particularly interesting moment to place Harriet Tubman on the $20. On the one hand, the U.S. has seen an amazing amount of social change in the past few decades. From having a Black president to the passage of gay marriage to the rapidly shifting racial demographics of the country, the U.S. is transforming to a new nation. However, some of the nation’s old guard is not going down with a fight. The increasing popularity of ultra-right wing conservatism, white supremacy groups, and even the troubling rise of Donald Trump speaks to much of the uneasiness a substantial part of the country has with the social sea of change going on. Some of the vitriolic reactions to the news of Tubman on the twenty dollar bill underscore that racism and sexism are far from obsolete. Interestingly, while Women on 20s did gain a victory for their campaign by getting Harriet Tubman on the $20, Andrew Jackson is not really going anywhere: he will still be on the back of the note. Perhaps in the case of women gracing U.S. paper currency, it is a situation where the more things change, the more things stay the same.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Motivation & Communication of Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Motivation & Communication of Leadership - Essay Example Some of the strategies are having vision and quick victories, setting personal examples, instilling optimism and self-confidence among others. Lastly, leadership is applicable in any situation because of its tremendous contribution in motivating followers and offering a communication channel (Charteris-Black, 2006). Hence, the role of leadership is applicable in nearly every place since it determines the success of an operation as well as the progress. Similarly, leadership can intervene in situations where followers are deviating from the course by giving direction and defining parameters (Draft, 2014). Motivation and communication topic is very essential because it informs the scholars and the public the importance of leadership. It helps in defining some of the roles people might not know as well as the importance of providing leadership through motivation and communication. More so, the topic is important in preparing students to become better leaders capable of meeting their
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Critically evaluate the statement that understanding organizational Essay
Critically evaluate the statement that understanding organizational behavior is important to organizational success - Essay Example Indeed, this confirms that there is a link between organizational behavior and the performance and success of an organization, only that its workforce can differentiate the organization. This paper presents a thoughtful discussion to certify the fact that the understanding of organisational behaviour is important to organisational success. Arguably, studying and understanding organizational behavior is very important to be able to analyze the growth and success of any organization. Understanding organizational behavior involves knowing about individuals and human nature. More so, it is necessary to understand organizational behavior since the organizations themselves have members and the factors that affect the organizations have an impact on the people involved also. Actually, the organizational behavior enables individuals to perform tasks assigned to them effectively starting with the management to the employees in order achieve high productivity and success in an organization. Or ganizational behavior is actually one of the approaches of management (Fayyaz et al. 2008, p. 5). Moreover, understanding organizational behavior is valuable to the organization especially if the organization has effectively implemented organizational behaviors (Phillips & Gully, 2012, p. 6). ... 200). The key employees’ behaviours that are given attention in an organization include productivity, turnover and absenteeism. The absence or presence of employees determines their productivity and that of the organization since the management is concerned with quality of work done by the employees. Job satisfaction is a very important factor that has to be considered by the managers since it has been noted that there is a relationship between job satisfaction and productivity. Satisfaction also explains employees’ absenteeism and turnover as well as their motivation to perform their duties effectively. Apart from employees’ attitude and perception, productivity is influenced by job satisfaction, ethical optimism, and the kind of relationship between the employer and employee (Gilliland, Steiner & Skarlicki, 2007, p. 200). Managers are expected to handle their job effectively and efficiently and they can achieve this by having adequate knowledge to deal with a n ew workforce, and complications of the new working environment. Organizational behavior enables the organization perform well in that, paying attention to employees, and recognizing their performance form part of tasks a manager needs to focus on, in order to be successful (Phillips & Gully, 2012, p. 6). Accordingly, understanding organizational behaviour is very important in organizational success as it helps in examining interactions within small groups either formal or informal where individuals merge their efforts towards achieving organizational goals (Fayyaz et al., 2008, p. 4). Arguably, the goals of organizational behaviour include understanding why people behave the way they do, analyse how individuals behave under
Monday, November 18, 2019
Critically Analyse the Claim that Humans Are Political Animals Essay
Critically Analyse the Claim that Humans Are Political Animals - Essay Example This paper stresses that given the fact that individual human beings are not in any position to carry out their naturally defined functions without the city-state, the so given state is therefore naturally precedes the individuals in every aspect. In regards to the above mentioned arguments then, it is clear that every human being or individual has the natural impulse for a community which is political especially with the consideration that the city-state was created out of the intelligence of human beings. They then end up living a political life while in nature they are animals. Man is known to have an innate proclivity to always participate in several public activities and deal with others in the city. Associations and other bonds are then created as men live together in partnership due to the natural tendency to interact and socialize with other men. This rpeort makes a conclusion that as much as the several theorists try to explain the political naturalism in human beings, there is no concern or any consideration expressed on the part of the city-state’s modern liberalism. There is no explanation given on the freedom of individuals who participate in the city-state and protective provisions for their own private life from the exposition of the entire public. Aristotle’s arguments and justification on communitarian politics gives priority to the well-being of a community. Other modernists also argue on the basis of humans being conjugal and dependent on each other and thus conclude that establishing households, interacting and socializing among individuals makes one a complete human being. In that case, individual liberty does not win in context of any city-state just as freedom and private ownership does not exist for animals.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Marketing Plan Case Study
Marketing Plan Case Study INTRODUCTION The following is the marketing plan for Ballantynes my brand of sweatshirts. Marketing segmentation refers to the process of dividing a market into segments or groups of customers with similar needs or wants who are likely to show similar purchase behavior. After market segmentation we get to know the different types of customers with different types of needs and desires. The target segments for my business would be young generation and mature people. I am opening sweatshirts business in Christchurch city.            (Ballantynes, n.d) Two bases selected for market segmentation in my sweatshirt business are    Demographic ( Gender, Income, lifestyle) Behavioral (Attitude and Benefits looking for) PROSPECTIVE CUSTOMERS Youngsters: The target audience would be between the age group of 16-25. I would like to open the shop in near the Christchurch university area as it a busy area and youngsters normally hangout in that area. I would target both male and females as both of them wear it. I would target youngsters who are from middle -higher class, because students would normally prefer reasonable and trendy clothes. I would have clothes from medium to higher range. Professionals and Mature People: The target audience would be both male and females between the age group of 26-40, I would like open it in CBD area, as there are many corporate and tourist in that area and they can buy in during their break time, or while doing window shopping, Similarly tourist can buy products as CBD is a famous tourist place. I would target customers from middle class to higher class. Corporate people would prefer trendy sweatshirts which is easily feasible for them. Old People:-The target audience would be males and females between the age group of 50-75, I would like to open it in North shore as there are many retirement villages and the crowd is posh and they prefer trendy clothes, I would target income group from middle to higher class, Old people love to have comfortable and feasible clothing. So I will make it easily accessible to them. I am going to focus on Youngsters and Professionals as two potential target markets for my business. Type of market Demographic and Behavioral Characteristics Youngsters I am going to cover age group from 14 to 25 years in both male and female. They look for style and new designs in the product like chain, hoodies, colorful, pictures of stars and sports personalities, and some motivational quotations to have a unique personality in the society. They are bit price concerned as their income is limited and are probably dependent on parents in early ages. They belong to the category of different size and range of price. They are knowledgeable about brands but not loyal to them as they only want to look different. This market is large in size but less frequent user of sweatshirts. They have least concern with service but much sensitive about replacement and return guarantee. They consider price while buy products. Professionals and Mature people This segment belongs to the age group between 25- 50 years. They have potential to buy quality products and thus have less price sensitivity but look for casual designs with sober colors and convenient to wear during office times. They look for brands and quality stuff used to prepare the product. This segment mostly prefers simple and plain sweatshirts with benefit of warmth and personality feature. They sought for product which has brand value in the market and is seen number of times in public through print or electronic media. This segment prefers to have sweatshirts with detachable hoodies so that they can use it without it. They love to buy more durable products while buying clothes. Company objectives and resources Company objectives and resources: Companys objective will be maintaining loyalty with existing customers and by making good profit attracting new customers too. Company will focus to reach its break even as soon as possible by setting some targets and achieving them on time. Company will use various resources to meet their targets like advertisement resources. Definability of segments: Competitive rivalry Will be high for the product as there are many clothing shops in Christchurch and everyone is competing. Bargaining power of suppliers: The bargaining power of suppliers would be low as there are many suppliers in the market Bargaining power of customers: The bargaining power of customers would be high as there are many clothing companies joints in the market and they can bargain. Threat of new entrants: The threat of new entrants is high. Threat of substitute products or services: sweatshirts can be replaced by coat, jackets T-shirts etc. Current Size of the Market Population of youngsters: 300,000 Population of Professionals: 465,000 Industrial growth: 15% of total population The above statistics gives me assurance about my product and segment attractiveness in the market. And my business is having growth potential in long run due to the necessity of it as per climatic conditions in New Zealand. (statistics New Zealand, n.d) Task 3 A differentiated marketing strategy is when a company creates campaigns that appeal to at least two market segments or target groups. I am targeting youngsters through styles, design, varied price range, stuff like cotton, woollen, synthetic and pictures of personalities, wording they do like to see on cloths, glowing colours, hoodies attached and promoting through social media. I will attract my second target market of professionals and mature people with casual look, brand logo, simple designs in sweatshirts, dual colour and quality stuff to protect from cold and have hoodies which can be removed too. I will provide unique designs to give a feeling of personality symbol to them and approach through social media, T.V advertisement and promotion through magazines. (ballantynes, n.d) Task 4 As there are many competitors of my company Ballantynes, the major competitors  Cottton on The above diagram demonstrates my positioning of my product in the market.. Ballantynes is moderately priced with reasonable price and quality. Nike, Adidas, Puma are high in quality and even the price is higher. Cotton On is below me though it is low in price but the quality is not good. So I feel I can compete and sustain on the, market with giving reasonable pricing and good quality sweatshirts. Task 5 Product: 1. PRODUCT: What does the customer want from the product / service? What needs does it satisfy? I have a wide range of products such as sweatshirts for women, men sweat shirts, Kids wear, and fashion accessories. My product strategy will be latest design, fashionable, stylish, varied size with hoodies and Chain, pockets inside and outside, replacement or return facility in limited period to attract youngsters. I will provide specific logo on the sweatshirts front and back side. I will provide different fabric style sweatshirts it may be design with cotton stuff and woolen as well. I will give products in varied colors like plain, combination and quality stuff to attract my mature and professionals target market. I will provide different sizes for sweatshirts for example small, medium, large and extra large size. Price: What is the value of the product or service to the buyer? Are there established price points for products or services in this area? Price is the factor which attracts the customers thats why companys product is from low medium price range. Its service and stuff is very fine so people like to wear this brand and its price is also very reasonable. The competitors of sweatshirts are selling their product at comparatively high price, so that is great advantage because target segments are attracting towards sweatshirts product as it provides affordable and good quality products.The price range for my sweatshirts would be between $12-$150 Promotion: What is the value of the product or service to the buyer? Are there established price points for products or services in this area? For advertising we will advertise in magazines that mostly attracts customers. Billboards are good tool for advertising, they are attractive and everywhere could see them. Advertisements have to be written in simple language and easy to understand. We would promote them on social media as it is cost effective and can reach the mass market. Place: Where do buyers look for your product or service? If they look in a store, what kind? A specialist boutique or in a supermarket, or both? Or online? Or direct, through catalogue? Will open the store Ballantynes at 23/ Cashel Street Christchurch besides, that I will also make the product available online = in about nine languages in order to reach all its target segments from different nationalities. Through the website, customers can book their orders, check the latest offers. Task 6 Plan of monitoring and mechanisms: Feedback through Questionnaires: The feedback of customers is so important because feedback decided the sales or popularity of the product. So, I will do survey about our product in open market and will collect feedback from existing customers. This will have few questions which they will answer and it will help me to know what they think about our product, what are their future expectations and why they give priority to it in the market? We can send questionnaires to our customers through email also. Their positive feedback will be success of our marketing plan. Sale Trend through financial Information: I will also keep check on my financial information whether the business is in profit or loss. If my sale is going up it means my marketing plan is working and I can achieve my objectives. I will check all the reports once in the month to be updated. Market Research eye on my competitors will help me to understand what is market trend or demand in the market and availability of respective products. If my product is fulfilling the need and is having advantage on competitors it means my marketing plan will work and I can attract more customers. Ballantynes. (n.d). History. Retrieved March 21, 2017, from statistics New Zealand. (n.d, n.d). Youth Population is ethnically diverse. Retrieved March 26, 2017, from
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Reflective Essay on College Writing -- Reflective Essay
Reflective Essay on College Writing This semester was my very first semester as a college student. Being the first, it was probably the semester I would learn the most in. I learned the expectations for writing that I will have to live up to for the next four years of my college career. Though my high school teachers were usually demanding because I was in the Honors English section throughout high school, writing in college has still ?raised the bar? for me. Also, in high school, we would have weeks to pick a topic, create a thesis, outline the paper, write the paper, and then revise the paper. In college, the time restraints are not quite as lenient. I?ve had to learn to manage my time and be more productive with what free moments I have. Strangely enough, I?ve found the college English experience to be much more rewarding and enjoyable than in high school. Academically, I have learned many new ways to look at literature. My high school teachers did not expose us to many literary theories or how to apply them. Indeed, we learned about romanticism, realism, transcendentalism, etc. but never really related them to our writing. Most of the writing we did was simply based upon our own opinions. We hardly ever used secondary sources. I believe that deconstructionist theory was the most helpful theory I learned this year for analyzing literature. Breaking a poem up line by line or image by image or even a story into small sections made it a lot easier to grasp the main concepts of the work. Most of the time during this semester, however, I took a formalist point of view. Also, unlike high school, the reading was much more entertaining. In high school, I really enjoyed very few of the texts that were discussed in class. In... ...d myself having in high school. I still tend to be a little too wordy at times, I misplace commas, and I still forget how to properly cite my research sources every now and them. I think I have become a little more meticulous about looking over my papers, however. I make fewer careless mistakes and take more time writing my papers than I did in high school. My points of view are clearer, and I have not been using commas incorrectly quite as often. I hope to continue to improve in the next few years of college as well. I haven?t received an ?A? on a paper yet, so my goal for the next few years of college is to eventually be able to consistently produce papers worthy of ?As.? I would also like to apply my writing more in school by possibly writing for New Morning in the future. I think Introduction to Literature has had a positive impact overall upon my literary skills.
Monday, November 11, 2019
IRAC Assignment Essay
Li will attempt to prove she was the victim of intentional torts by her teacher Mr. Billups. At school, Li was placed in a cage for the day to reenact how Americans reacted to the events of Pearl Harbor. Li will accuse Mr. Billups of intentional infliction of emotional distress and false imprisonment. Being placed in a cage for the day will be considered an unreasonable amount of time, and being put in the cage with the other foreign born students from her class will show emotional distress. Negligence Li will attempt to prove the four elements of negligence against Mr. Billups for his previously stated actions. The elements required are duty of care, failure to protect from harm, cause of the harm, and damages, which in this case are psychological and physical. After review of the actions taken by Mr. Billups, it seems Li will be able to show the four elements required for negligence. Li’s Parents Respondeat Superior/Scienter Li’s parents will attempt to attach liability to the school district which employs Mr. Billups, claiming respondeat superior. Li’s parents will claim that Mr. Billups’ inappropriate and harmful actions were performed within the course and scope of his employment at the school, therefore leaving the district which employs him partially responsible or at fault. As Mr. Billups’ employer, the school district had every opportunity to put an end to the gross reenactments of events in American history which have taken place in Mr. Billups’ class even before the most recent incident involving Li. In addition, scienter can be applied by Li’s parents because at the very least, the principal of the school should have known about Mr. Billups’ demeaning antics. Mr. Billups Tort Defenses Mr. Billups will attempt to use tort defenses including assumption of risk, superseding/intervening cause, and contributory negligence. By sending their child to school, Li’s parents assumed the risk of their child participating in educational activities in history class. The school district is partially to blame as well because they must have heard/known about the practices Mr. Billups uses to teach his students. In addition, Li and the other foreign students contributed to their own negligence by attending Mr. Billups class and agreeing to be put in a cage in class. Scienter Li’s parents, Li herself, and the school district all should have known of the reenactments performed in Mr. Billups class, proving scienter. School District Respondeat Superior The school district which employs Mr. Billups will claim the frolic and detour defense to respondeat superior. Their claim will be that Mr. Billups was acting outside the rules and regulations set forth by the district, and that they could not have possibly seen ahead of time the inappropriate actions Mr. Billups performed in his classroom. Conclusion: The court will use the reasonable person test and likely find for Li and her parents.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Tips for Repurposing the Content
Tips for Repurposing the Content What is repurposing content? You may not be sure about what repurposing content is, but basically, it is making use of your old content and changing it up so that it can be relevant to people that you want to target for the posts. This is a good thing because you do not have to make up a new content from scratch. You can be sure that you will make your new content modern and relevant to a new group of people. Here are just some of the benefits that you can get from repurposing your content: You can make your favorite topic the latest thing to read again. Let us say that you have written about something that you are extremely proud of, and it has already been forgotten because of the new posts that you have put up. When you tweak it a bit, it will be just like new and people will be interested in reading it again. You can maximize the effort that you have made into making the content. When you write about something, there is no doubt that you have made effort into doing it. By repurposing your content, you are maximizing the efforts that you can give out. You can target new people. There is a chance that you have already reached out to some people in the past, but you would like to reach out to a new target audience this time around. Remember that it can be easy as long as you know how to repurpose your content effectively. Now when you’ve already known the benefits that can be received from repurposing, here are some things you ought to remember in order to repurpose your content well: Choose content that is popular – The fact that it is popular means that there are a lot of people who are interested in reading about it all over again. If you repurpose this, there are better chances that your content will be read again. Repurpose the post into a guide – Nowadays people like searching for tips on how to do certain things. Making an old blog post into a guide will surely be a hit. Add videos or images – Most of us better perceive the information with visual reinforcement. We tend to understand content more when there are videos or images that are included in blog post that used to be just full of words. You can also make an Infographics to what you have written about. Create a presentatinon –  Make interesting grafics with statistics, add meaningful quates, seaarch for realeted pictures. Share slides with advices and interesting tips to a social networks or such sites like SlideShare. It can provide additional opportunities for engagement target audience. There are a lot of variants how to repurpose your content. The type of content will differ depending on where you are going to post it. The best way to find out how to repurpose content effectively is to experiment.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
DVD Recorder Comparison essays
DVD Recorder Comparison essays The decision to buy technological equipment can be a daunting experience for many people. Especially with regard to relatively new technologies, many consumers simply don't know where to start in their quest for a good piece of equipment, whatever the type. This is certainly the case with DVD recorders, which can be complex in design, capability, In specific, the three DVD recorders that will be discussed here include the Sony RDR-GX7, the Philips DVDR75, and the Panasonic DMR_E50S. These three models were chosen both for their relative popularity in sales, as well as their relative accessibility. According to the Web site, Deal Closet, the Sony RDR-GX7 is an excellent DVD recorder. Although it is expensive, compared to the others discussed here, the Sony allows for the different writing formats, DVD+RW, as well as DVD-R. As far as innovation goes, the Sony RDR-GX7 DVD recorder is "the world's first standalone, dual-RW (DVD-R/-RW and DVD+R/+RW) home DVD player/recorder" (, and boasts its powerful flexibility in its ability to both record and view media from or for other machines. Its format versatility gives you nearly complete recording and viewing freedomthe flexibility to create or view optical media for or from most computer DVD recorders. Further, the machine can accommodate the recordable optical formats required by any of your friends and family, regardless of their DVD players (though some older players do not play In general, the Sony-GX7 is extremely user friendly, and its operation is smooth and predictable. Additionally, the Sony's ability to record in both formats is particularly useful, especially because in order to play the recorded DVD's on other equipment, most DVD's currently need to be recorded as a DVD-R. Further, although the model is versatile, the reviewers at Deal Closet found that when one uses it to record music ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
South Africa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
South Africa - Essay Example It is important to note that 1948 was an election year whereby there were two major parties competing; i.e. the National Party and the United Party (Worger, 2004). The United Party on one hand had a soft stand on apartheid as it tended to lean towards integration of all communities and races, which was believed to be unavoidable. To the majority whites, this meant that all South Africans would therefore enjoy equal rights under the leadership of the party and therefore, there were fears among the whites that the non whites would increase competition in the job market especially if they were allowed to migrate to the urban centers, which would have also meant that the cost of labor in the industries would have gone up as the whites utilized cheap labor from the non whites. The National party on the other hand utilized this fear and came up with a pro-apartheid policy which it vowed to establish once it was elected into power and which saw its winning the elections and therefore produc ing the first prime minister under the apartheid regime (Thompson, 2001). The events that followed can only be termed as the worst historical injustices in the history of South Africa.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Taking shareholder rights seriously. ( Australia Enterprise Law) Research Paper
Taking shareholder rights seriously. ( Australia Enterprise Law) - Research Paper Example The Australian government, judiciary and executive authorities have contributed significantly to rectify the situation earlier prevailed, to ensure protection of the interests the minority shareholders over the period of time. The paper seeks to study the gaps at the legislation as well as implementation level in transforming these policy decisions to the fulfillment of the objectives desired or intended in line with the spirit behind the process, taking into consideration, the complications involved in social background and the interpretations. The issues connected with the shareholders are multifarious and are interconnected or interrelated to various stakeholders’ interest in a business, and hence it becomes too difficult to enumerate the various situations which could be foreseen at the time of legislation or practicable to include in statutes, which warrants interpretations in the court of law for equitable justice to the parties concerned. Direct involvement of all the members of a company in a complicated business enterprise is not feasible in modern times. Therefore the directors of the corporations are expected to exercise their powers taking into account the interests of all the stakeholders and the other stakeholders. In Sidebottom v Kershaw, Leese & Co., the majority shareholders who were also the directors, passed a special resolution to alter the articles by allowing the directors to require the transfer at full value of shares held by an shareholder who competed with the company’s business. Minority shareholders who ran a business that competed with the company sought a declaration that the amendment was invalid. The court held that the alteration satisfied the Allen’s test in that it was taken for the company’s legitimate business interests and not for the interests of specific members.1 However in various other decisions, the treatment has differed based on the circumstances obtained in the cases. Foss v Harbottle rule is a famous
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