Saturday, August 31, 2019
What change does the main character experience from the beginning of the story to the end? From the beginning to the end of the story, the main character experiences her time when she was changing from child to woman. Growing up during the Great Depression in impoverished rural of Maryland, her family had been living through poverty and financial struggles.She was fourteen going on fifteen by that time so she understood everything her family or her neighbors had been through. But She and ere brother were so young and innocence that they liked running around and teasing Miss Little with her marigolds mounds that she planted every summer. And the rising action that changed her childhood was the midnight when she first heard a man that was her father cry in helplessness and hopeless because he couldn't get a job and take good care of the family.She felt his despair and her emotion of crying In fear, and degradation that led her run and ruin all the marigolds of Miss Little. When she loo ked up to â€Å"stared at her†, †that was the moment when childhood faded and manhood began†. She felt guilty, â€Å"awkward and ashamed†that moment marked the end of Innocence. Why did Miss Little plant the marigolds? She planted the marigolds because that was her happiness. They were very bright and colorful compared to her â€Å"sorry gray house†.Those passionate yellow mounds made her house really stand out. She took care of them â€Å"all summer, every summer†as her one Joy and hope. Without reviewing the story, what descriptive details do you remember? The detail that stands out In my mind Is the scene Elizabethan father cried out loud†In the middle of the night because he felt Impotent for not do anything for his wife and his kids In twenty-two years. A man Is always the leader of the house. Taking a good care of his family Is the most Important role they should.He was a strong man †who could whisk a child upon his shou lders and go singing through the house†. And †he sobbed, loudly and painfully, and cried helplessly and hopelessly In the dark night. †This really touches my heart. For the first time he despaired, and behind the wall, that also was the first time his daughter hear him cry. Marigolds By emphysema K. Kennedy job and take good care of the family. She felt his despair and her emotion of crying in the end of innocence.Why did Miss Little plant the marigolds? Remember? The detail that stands out in my mind is the scene Elizabethan father â€Å"cried out loud†in the middle of the night because he felt impotent for not do anything for his wife and his kids in twenty-two years. A man is always the leader of the house. Taking a good care of his family is the most important role they should. He hopelessly in the dark night. †This really touches my heart. For the first time he
Friday, August 30, 2019
Non-reactive Techniques, Observation, and Experimentation
In research, the question, hypothesis, research design, data collection strategy, and data analysis procedures are rooted in previous literatures and identified before the project begins. Any changes in the proposed design while carrying out the research would be seen as weakening the validity of the research finding and, well, just bad research practice. An explanatory, also called classical experimental, design is seen as the most robust, since it follows procedures that meet the criteria for proving causality.It identifies independent and dependent variable, required random assignment of research subjects to experimental and a control group so that both groups are the same, describes procedures for manipulation of the dependent variable(s), and requires development of pretest and posttest instruments and time frames. If this design is implemented then threats to internal validity (proving causality) are removed.Descriptive designs address correlational relationships between indepe ndent and dependent variables, usually through large-scale surveys. Samples are preferably random (representative of the population being studied); however, these samples are not manipulated into control and experimental groups but are surveyed in their own settings using valid and reliable data collection instruments developed in advance of data collection. Such designs do not address threats to internal validity, but they are considered to have stronger external validity (generalizability of findings from the sample to the population of interest) than the explanatory design (Morris, 2006).The â€Å"Classical†Experimental DesignAll experimental designs are variations on the basic classical experimental design, which consists of two groups, an experimental and a control group, and two variables, an independent and a dependent variable. Units to be analyzed (e.g., subjects) are randomly assigned to each of the experimental and control groups. Units in the experimental group r eceive the independent variable (the treatment condition) that the investigator has manipulated. Contributors in the control group do not obtain the independent variable handling. Pretest and Posttest measures are taken on the independent variable(s), and the control group participants are measures at the same time as the experimental group, although no planned change or manipulation has taken place with regard to the independent variable in the control group.Researchers often use this design when they are interested in assessing change from the pretest to the posttest, as a result of a treatment or intervention. This design is also known as â€Å"pretest-posttest†or â€Å"before-after†design, to differentiate it from a posttest-only design in which one group receives a treatment, whereas the other group receives no treatment and serves as a control.The key difference in the posttest-only design is that neither group is pretested, nor only at the end of the study are both groups measured on the dependent variable. Some researchers favor this latter design over the classic two-group pre- and posttest approach because they are concerned that the pretest measures will sensitize participants or that a learning effect might take place that influences individuals’ performance on the posttest (Babbie, 2005).Ascertaining Causality between VariablesResearchers challenge to establish cause-and-effect associations linking independent and dependent variables by experimental studies.An experiment characterizes a set of processes to decide the fundamental nature of the causal association linking independent and dependent variables. â€Å"Systematically changing the value of the independent variable and measuring the effect on the dependent variable characterizes experimentation†(Maxfield & Babbie, 2004). Sometimes, the experiment appraises the outcome of arrangements of independent variable comparative to one or more dependent variables. Not co nsidering the quantity of variables considered, and experiment’s crucial purpose challenges to methodically segregate the result of at least one independent variable connected to at least one dependent variable. Simply when this occurs can one choose which variable(s) truly clarifies the happening (Morris, 2006).To conclude causality, science necessitates that an alteration in the X-variable (independent, influenced variable) go before an adjustment in the Y-variable (dependent, variable predictable for change), with suitable deliberation for scheming other variables that may in reality root the relationship. Perceptive in causal aspects in associations among variables improves one’s perception about experimental data.Controlling all potential factors that influence those effects of the independent variable(s) on the dependent variable(s) requires considerable effort, knowledge about the main factors, and creativity (Lewis-Beck, Bryman, & Liao, 2004).ConclusionIn other words, the fact that a dependent variable and an independent variable are strongly associated cannot always be extended to a logical conclusion that it is the value of the independent variable that is causing the value of the dependent variable to be whatever it is.To achieve causality between variables, one must conduct an experimental study about these variables. Oftentimes, investigational outcome are not constant as they come out. Even though field studies supply purpose insight about probable causes for experiential phenomena, the need of full power innate in such study confines capability to deduce causality. Because neither dynamic treatment of the independent variable by the experimenter nor manage over probable overriding factors happen, no assurance survives that any experiential disparity in the dependent variable essentially resulted from difference in the independent variable (Maxfield & Babbie, 2004).References:Babbie, E. R. (2005). The Basics of Social Research. Belm ont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.Lewis-Beck, M. S., Bryman, A., & Liao, T. F. (2004). The Sage Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods. New York: SAGE.Maxfield, M. G., & Babbie, E. R. (2004). Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.Morris, T. (2006). Social Work Research Methods: Four Alternative Paradigms. New York: SAGE. Non-reactive techniques, observation, and experimentation In research, the question, hypothesis, research design, data collection strategy, and data analysis procedures are rooted in previous literatures and identified before the project begins. Any changes in the proposed design while carrying out the research would be seen as weakening the validity of the research finding and, well, just bad research practice. An explanatory, also called classical experimental, design is seen as the most robust, since it follows procedures that meet the criteria for proving causality. It identifies independent and dependent variable, required random assignment of research subjects to experimental and a control group so that both groups are the same, describes procedures for manipulation of the dependent variable(s), and requires development of pretest and posttest instruments and time frames. If this design is implemented then threats to internal validity (proving causality) are removed.Descriptive designs address correlational relationships between indep endent and dependent variables, usually through large-scale surveys. Samples are preferably random (representative of the population being studied); however, these samples are not manipulated into control and experimental groups but are surveyed in their own settings using valid and reliable data collection instruments developed in advance of data collection. Such designs do not address threats to internal validity, but they are considered to have stronger external validity (generalizability of findings from the sample to the population of interest) than the explanatory design (Morris, 2006).The â€Å"Classical†Experimental DesignAll experimental designs are variations on the basic classical experimental design, which consists of two groups, an experimental and a control group, and two variables, an independent and a dependent variable. Units to be analyzed (e.g., subjects) are randomly assigned to each of the experimental and control groups. Units in the experimental group receive the independent variable (the treatment condition) that the investigator has manipulated. Contributors in the control group do not obtain the independent variable handling. Pretest and Posttest measures are taken on the independent variable(s), and the control group participants are measures at the same time as the experimental group, although no planned change or manipulation has taken place with regard to the independent variable in the control group.Researchers often use this design when they are interested in assessing change from the pretest to the posttest, as a result of a treatment or intervention. This design is also known as â€Å"pretest-posttest†or â€Å"before-after†design, to differentiate it from a posttest-only design in which one group receives a treatment, whereas the other group receives no treatment and serves as a control. The key difference in the posttest-only design is that neither group is pretested, nor only at the end of the study a re both groups measured on the dependent variable. Some researchers favor this latter design over the classic two-group pre- and posttest approach because they are concerned that the pretest measures will sensitize participants or that a learning effect might take place that influences individuals’ performance on the posttest (Babbie, 2005).Ascertaining Causality between VariablesResearchers challenge to establish cause-and-effect associations linking independent and dependent variables by experimental studies.An experiment characterizes a set of processes to decide the fundamental nature of the causal association linking independent and dependent variables. â€Å"Systematically changing the value of the independent variable and measuring the effect on the dependent variable characterizes experimentation†(Maxfield & Babbie, 2004). Sometimes, the experiment appraises the outcome of arrangements of independent variable comparative to one or more dependent variables. Not considering the quantity of variables considered, and experiment’s crucial purpose challenges to methodically segregate the result of at least one independent variable connected to at least one dependent variable. Simply when this occurs can one choose which variable(s) truly clarifies the happening (Morris, 2006).To conclude causality, science necessitates that an alteration in the X-variable (independent, influenced variable) go before an adjustment in the Y-variable (dependent, variable predictable for change), with suitable deliberation for scheming other variables that may in reality root the relationship. Perceptive in causal aspects in associations among variables improves one’s perception about experimental data.Controlling all potential factors that influence those effects of the independent variable(s) on the dependent variable(s) requires considerable effort, knowledge about the main factors, and creativity (Lewis-Beck, Bryman, & Liao, 2004).ConclusionIn oth er words, the fact that a dependent variable and an independent variable are strongly associated cannot always be extended to a logical conclusion that it is the value of the independent variable that is causing the value of the dependent variable to be whatever it is.To achieve causality between variables, one must conduct an experimental study about these variables. Oftentimes, investigational outcome are not constant as they come out. Even though field studies supply purpose insight about probable causes for experiential phenomena, the need of full power innate in such study confines capability to deduce causality. Because neither dynamic treatment of the independent variable by the experimenter nor manage over probable overriding factors happen, no assurance survives that any experiential disparity in the dependent variable essentially resulted from difference in the independent variable (Maxfield & Babbie, 2004).References:Babbie, E. R. (2005). The Basics of Social Research. Be lmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.Lewis-Beck, M. S., Bryman, A., & Liao, T. F. (2004). The Sage Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods. New York: SAGE.Maxfield, M. G., & Babbie, E. R. (2004). Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.Morris, T. (2006). Social Work Research Methods: Four Alternative Paradigms. New York: SAGE.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Big Brother
As I mopped sweat from my forehead and onto my already flooded shirt, I realized I could not lose this game. It was fourth and goal, and the he was only three yards away from the end zone. I looked back to see my smiling parents watching from a window inside. They were smart and decided to watch from the air-conditioned family room. I called for a timeout and pondered what I could do to maintain the score. After the short timeout, I lined up on the goal line, awaiting the snap. â€Å"Hike!†he shouted. I tried to read which way he was going. As he pulled a quick cutback move, I lost my footing. I slipped on the grass and watched my eight-year-old brother run into the end zone, hands held high. Any other kid his age would have done a bragging, victory dance in the end zone. Not him, though. He had never seen his big brother do it, so he figured it wasn’t â€Å"cool.†I was happy for him. I taught him everything he knew about football. My parents thought I let him win, but I knew he won by himself. I went over to him, congratulated him, and we walked side by side back indoors, where we enjoyed an ice cold Pepsi. It’s difficult growing up with a brother ten years younger. But it’s taught me to be a leader, a role model, and most of all, to have fun in ways I normally wouldn’t. I may have taught my brother all he knows about football, but he has taught me how to be a compassionate role model and a leader. To college, I will bring with me my memories, experiences, and leadership skills.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Brand, Why are famous brand products attractive people Essay
Brand, Why are famous brand products attractive people - Essay Example â€Å"Brands are not simply products or services. Brands are the sum totals of all the images that people have in their heads about a particular company and a particular mark. Brands absorb everything around them like Imelda Marcos in the shoe department at Nordstrom†(Scott Bedbury, CEO of Brandstream, a Seattle-based marketing consultancy, quoted in Kalin, 2001). Indeed the term has come to refer to not only the images a company produces in order to call their product or services to mind, but also the products sold, the services rendered, the building in which the company is headquartered or even the country in which it originated as well as the methods used to project these ideas and images to the broader public. To remain competitive in the world today, just about anything can be identified with a brand if it is so chosen – companies, museums, hospitals, even individual people (look at Martha Stewart for a prime example). When services are excellent, products exceed expectations, lines are in high demand and the public knows your name, branding can provide a significant assist in boosting international sales. This is the positive side of branding that allows a company to walk into a new country or territory with an already hungry consumer base. According to Aaker (1996), strong brands work for the company to help them establish their proper placement within the international and local marketplace as well as assisting in the development of a strong consumer base through broad recognition of the brand. This recognition then further works for the company by serving as a weapon to counter growing competition in a shrinking market (Barwise & Robertson, 1992). Corporations can then further use this position to help launch new extensions, such as a line of athletic clothes for Nike or a new flavor for Toblerone (Aaker & Keller, 1990). The use of celebrities in this regard has been generally considered
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Global Supply Chain Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Global Supply Chain Management - Assignment Example The firms that practice supply chain management experience considerable reductions in cost and cycle time (Li and Du, 2005, p. 279). For instance, Wal-Mart stores reported an increase in inventory turns, decline in out-of-stock occurrences along with a renewal cycle that has decreased from weeks to only hours as a consequence of an effective supply chain management. Even though supply chain management is simple to understand in theory, it develops more complexity with bigger companies and it variety of products, more global locations of the suppliers, customers as well as facilities responsible for distribution. Supply chain management is also complicated since companies may be components of more than one pipeline at a specific time (Fredendall and Hill, 2001, p. 4). As an example, the manufacturer of synthetic rubber may simultaneously be a part of the supply chain for tires, industrial products, mechanical parts, shoes and aircraft components among others. Key drivers of supply cha in performance in a complex environmentLambert (2008, p. 20) found out that the performance of a supply chain is dependent of a number of drivers: logistical and functional including facilities, inventory, transport and information. FacilitiesFacilities define the physical locations where commodities are produced or stored, where storage and production sites make up the main forms of facilities (Zanjirani Farahani, Rezapour and Kardar, 2012, p. 193). In the facilities, there is either processing or transformation.
Monday, August 26, 2019
The Afterlife and Heaven Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The Afterlife and Heaven - Term Paper Example This essay considers the nature of heaven and the afterlife from the Catholic and the Jewish perspectives. The Catholic perception of heaven is well conceived and highly articulate. The Catholic version and understanding of heaven comes largely from the New Testament of the Bible, however it is referenced in the Old Testament. While there is no clearly defined version of heave, as the apostle writers of the Gospels all conceived it from slightly different perspectives, its clear that there are a number of unifying features. Physically heaven is said to the area that exists above the clouds in the blue firmament. As early as Genesis the Bible makes reference to this aspect of Heaven. Genesis indicates that the bird fly under the, â€Å"firmament of heaven†(Genesis, 1:20). In other books of the Bible there are slightly different connotations. For instance, in other areas of the Bible heaven is indicated to be the area of the sky where the stars reside. One notes in these definition the ancient understanding of the physical world, as the indications of heaven within these regions ar e now well explored and realized areas of the contemporary world. Still, one can begin to understand that the Catholic perspective of heaven presents it as a lofty and high region that is forever out of the reach and realization of earthly mortals. The interior envisionment of heaven has a number of characterizations as well. Within the Catholic religion one of the most pervasive elements of the interior aspects of heaven are that it is replete with angels. Another traditional articulation of heaven, including its containment of angels is that it houses the souls of just individuals. Indeed, this aspect of salvation is one of the cornerstone aspects of not merely the Catholic religion, but the Christian faith. In these regards, its historically been a much debated aspect within
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Artifact 12.2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Artifact 12.2 - Essay Example Initially started by the Romans, ornate columns are greatly reflected in the contemporary American society. Apart from being used as support for buildings, ornate columns are currently used for construction of elegant designs on American buildings. Similar to modern styles reflected in contemporary architecture, Romans had a variety of styles; ionic, Doric, and Corinthian (Andrea 2007). Even though Doric columns were initially made of wood, their design has evolved and recent ones are made of stone. In the modern American society, columns are used for their simple design and excellent support in a building. Jewish life-styles, patterns of social interactions, and identities are apparently reflected in the modern American society. This is reflected in the emergence and development of American Reform Judaism that was modeled along Jewish traditions whose institutional functioning and philosophy females considerably occupied a greater position. The entrepreneurial culture reflected on the modern American society is a function of the traditional Jewish culture. Jewish culture has considerably influenced the manner in which modern Americans view the concept of a woman. This has increased the acceptance of the concept of womanhood in public representations. This is reflected in the election and nomination of women to senior government
The role of Botanical gardens in climate change Essay
The role of Botanical gardens in climate change - Essay Example The most important role of botanical gardens is the unique presence of perfect conditions for most plants from different geographical locations. As a result, it has been scientifically proven that some of the plants which are grown in botanic gardens have since been extinct where they initially existed. This is because the Botanical gardens provide the required environment for specific important plants. Global warming has made extinct such important plants which are recognized to positively affect climate change. Secondly, the botanical gardens have various species of the same plant which are collected from various geographical positions in the world. The botanical gardens provide comparative studies on various species of the same plant. As a result, the gardens offer a taxonomically diverse flora; with a diverse representation from particular families (Richard B. Primack, 2009). The botanists study them to determine their reaction to the climate in the garden. If all species adapt to the climate in the botanical gardens, they are kept together, but if some don’t, the staff study the plants individually to determine their impact on climate change. Botanical gardens also helped in creating Phenological gardens. These are gardens with the same collection of species grown in a large area. The species present in the Phenological gardens consists of plants with intense positive impact in climate change. As a result, they are grown in specific areas that require a positive climate change in order to improve the climate. Another role of Botanical gardens is to create awareness of flowering or plants. Botanical gardens have long stored records. The extensive knowledge of the phonological events allows the staffs to create awareness to the visitors when certain species will flower. Some species like the daffodils, apple trees and cherry trees which are immensely popular and
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Write a response to Rothstein and Jacobsens The Goals of Education Essay
Write a response to Rothstein and Jacobsens The Goals of Education - Essay Example nia establish a public school that should, he said, place as much emphasis on physical as on intellectual fitness because â€Å"exercise invigorates the soul as well as the body.†(Rothstein, et. al.)George Washington went a step further. He argued that â€Å"goals for public schools were also political and moral.†(Rothstein, et. al.) The suggestions of Thomas Jefferson were purely political. He â€Å"most often linked with education in the public mind, thought universal public education needed primarily to prepare voters to exercise wise judgment.†(Rothstein, So, the perspective about education changed, as time rolled by and change in the political leadership of the country. I am reminded of the parable of four visually challenged (blind) persons in argument about the shape of the elephant. One had the feel of its long tail and argued that the shape of the elephant is long. The second one, who touched one of its legs, said the shape is like the tree. The third one touched its trunk and said the shaped is like a rubber hose. The fourth one had the feel of the ear and said that the shape is like a giant leaf. An eye surgeon, who listened to their conversation, took them to his dispensary, operated upon their eyes and he was able to restore the eyesight. When he showed them the elephant, they realized that their judgment was wrong. Similar is position of the politicians, sociologists, academicians and the bureaucrats, when they tender opinions and try to frame the policy on the system of education that needs to be adopted in America. None has the comprehensive outlook about the genuine needs of the students in a multicultural, multi-ethnic society that suf fered from the bane of racism for more than two centuries. The goal of education needs to be man making. Within this broad goal, all other subsidiary yet important goals are integrated. According to the authors, reading scores alone will not go to mold an individual into a responsible citizen with abilities
Friday, August 23, 2019
Descriptions of methods used to measure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Descriptions of methods used to measure - Essay Example The PD can be read directly from the instrument. The near PD can be measured in a similar manner by adjusting the instrument for a reasonable reading distance (usually 40cm). Monocular PDs can also be taken with ease. Despite the fact that the pupilometer is the best way to measure PDs, not every doctor has a pupilometer readily available. Practicing the method outlined above is arguably the next best method. 2. Before telling the patient to look at his or her other eye, the doctor is to note what value is aligned with the centre of the patient's bridge of the nose. Let's say that this value is 30mm for example. This is the monocular PD for the right eye. 3. Finally the doctor directs the patient to look at his or her right eye and notices where the reflection lines up with the PD ruler. Let us say that this value is 62. To obtain the Monocular PD for the left eye, the doctor is to subtract the value obtained from the step 2, with the value obtained here (62-30= 32). The monocular PD for the patient's left eye is therefore, 32mm. 2. Then the doctor glances over and sees where the reflection in the patient's left eye aligns with the PD ruler without having the patient change their gaze. Finally the doctor subtracts this value with the value that corresponds with the centre of the bridge of the patient's nose. This is the near monocular PD. III. ... The PD can be read directly from the instrument. The near PD can be measured in a similar manner by adjusting the instrument for a reasonable reading distance (usually 40cm). Monocular PDs can also be taken with ease. Despite the fact that the pupilometer is the best way to measure PDs, not every doctor has a pupilometer readily available. Practicing the method outlined above is arguably the next best method. II. To distance monocular PD: 1. The doctor follows steps 1-4 for the total distance PD above. 2. Before telling the patient to look at his or her other eye, the doctor is to note what value is aligned with the centre of the patient's bridge of the nose. Let's say that this value is 30mm for example. This is the monocular PD for the right eye. 3. Finally the doctor directs the patient to look at his or her right eye and notices where the reflection lines up with the PD ruler. Let us say that this value is 62. To obtain the Monocular PD for the left eye, the doctor is to subtract the value obtained from the step 2, with the value obtained here (62-30= 32). The monocular PD for the patient's left eye is therefore, 32mm. Then, like in the previous method, the near monocular PD is measured: 1. The doctor follows steps 1 and 2 for distance monocular PD. 2. Then the doctor glances over and sees where the reflection in the patient's left eye aligns with the PD ruler without having the patient change their gaze. Finally the doctor subtracts this value with the value that corresponds with the centre of the bridge of the patient's nose. This is the near monocular PD. Recording (Distance PD in millimetres)/(Near PD in millimetres) = 64/60 For monocular PDs OD (Monocular
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Nature And Nurture Influences On Child Essay Example for Free
Nature And Nurture Influences On Child Essay When it comes to child development there are two major influences. These influences are nature which are traits we inherit and nurture which are the traits we learn. Nature and nurture are different in several ways but they both play an important role in child development. Although they both influence development the topic of which has the greatest influence in frequently debated. This paper will describe the relationship between nature and nurture, explain the biological, environmental, societal, and cultural influences on child development in relation to nature and nurture, and discuss whether nature or nurture has the most influence on child development. Nature and nurture are different in several ways but share one similarity which is the fact that they both have an influence on child development. Both of them play an important role in how children develop as well as the type of people they will grow up to be. In the video â€Å"Nature vs. Nurture in Child Development†Shirael Pollack states that children are born with some traits and characteristics while they learn others (Pollack, S. n. d. ). Nature is one(s) genes. The traits and characteristics that they inherit such as skin tone, eye color, and hair color. Nurture is what they are taught or what they learn from the people around them such as manners; learning to say â€Å"please†and â€Å"thank you†. There are different influences on child development in relation to nature and nurture. These influences are biological, environmental, societal, and cultural. Nature is responsible for the biological influences. Biological influences are traits that are passed parents to their children. They include appearance, talents, and abilities, and also certain illnesses (Groark, C. , McCarthy, S. Kirk, A. , 2014). Nurture is responsible for environmental influences. These are things that are in a child(s) environment that they are exposed to or experience. Nurture can also be NATURE AND NURTURE 3 responsible for cultural and societal influences on child development which can be instilled subtly through natural interactions with others. The cultural and societal influences can be direct and indirect impacts of culture, race, and ethnicity as well as the powerful effects of economics, gender roles, marriage, divorce, single parenthood, and religion (Groark, C. , McCarthy, S. Kirk, A. , 2014). No matter what type of influence there is on child development it is either related to nature or nurture. Some people believe that nature and nurture are partners because of the fact that they both play a role in child development. However, theorists have different views about the two. Some theorists believe that nature is ultimately responsible for growth while other theorists believe that children become whatever their environment shapes them into (McDevitt, 2010). Regardless of what the different views of theorists are on the topic of nature versus nurture, the fact of the matter is that both of them play a role in how children develop and have some type of impact on what and how they will be when they grow up. Both nature and nurture play important roles in child development. Regardless of if one has more of an influence than the other, the fact is that they both impact how children develop. Truth of the matter is that they are different but share one important factor which is the fact that they help make children who they are. This paper described the relationship between nature and nurture, explained the biological, environmental, societal, and cultural influences on child development in relation to nature and nurture, and also discussed which of the two influences is more influential than the other. NATURE AND NURTURE 4 References Groark, C. , McCarthy, S. Kirk, A. (2014). Early child development: From theory to practice. Bridgepoint Education: San Diego, CA. McDevitt, T. M. (2010). Nature and nurture: Retrieved from http://www. education. com/reference/article/nature-nurture/ Pollack, S. (n. d. ). Nature vs. nurture in child development [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www. howcast. com/videos/513307-Nature-vs-Nurture-Child-Development.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Training class Essay Example for Free
Training class Essay CERTIFICATION OF AUTHORSHIP: I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed in this paper. I have also cited any sources from which I used data, ideas or words, either quoted directly or paraphrased. I have added quotes whenever I used more than three consecutive words from another writer. I also certify that this paper was prepared by me specifically for this course. Student’s Signature: ______________________________ Instructor’s Grade on Assignment: Instructor’s Comments: Justify the use of a needs assessment of your company’s proposed employee customer service training stressing five (5) ways in which such an assessment would expose any existing performance deficiencies. Customer demands and the increase in competition have caused many companies to focus on customer service and relations. Southwest Airlines uses different approach when managing their airlines services throughout 97 destinations and 41 states (La Tasha, 2013). The ability to provide great customer services has much to do with the success of many individuals and companies. In the case of Southwest, their brand is to offer a low fare to their customers and always taking them on time to their final destination. Customer service isn’t about giving the customer exactly what they want. It involves skills such as problem solving, empathy, interpersonal skills, communication, and leadership abilities. Employee performance can be improved in many ways. Training is one way to emphasize employee performance. Each customer interaction is a representation on the company. Southwest Airlines objective is to train executive teams, making sure the highly value customer satisfaction guarantee and wanted those executives who managed departments that directly filtered into the service quality. When conducting a needs assessment, there are three areas that must be considered: organizational needs, occupational needs, and individual needs. Organizational assessment evaluates the level of organizational performance. An assessment of this type will determine what skills, knowledge, and abilities a company needs. It determines what is required to alleviate the problems and weaknesses of the company. Occupational assessment examines the skills, knowledge, and abilities required for affected occupational groups. Occupational assessment identifies how and which occupational discrepancies or gaps exist. Individual assessment analyzes how well an individual employee is doing a job and determines the individuals capacity to do new or different work. Individual assessm ent provides information on which employees need training and what kind. A needs assessment is a wise investment for the organization. It saves time, money and effort by working on the right problems. People skills are the foundation for good customer service. Southwest Airlines will identify the goals of the potential training program by doing an initial interview questions with all parties. These questions are just a few to begin laying the foundation for the needed training. When a company encounters some type of situations, training is required. Southwest Airlines, assessment moves into the organizational, person and task analysis phase, questions will be intended for specific key executives. To make sure if the training will support the company’s strategic direction and if the needed resources would be obtainable, the assessment team will look in the direction of strategic planning, training and business development executives.â€Å" When employees interact with customers they are representing the organization and each customer’s perce ption of the quality of that interaction can influence the customer’s opinion of the organization and its products or services†(Dugan, 2014). Person’s analysis phase will determined who will need the training and if the present knowledge base provides a foundation to obtain the new skills. With exceptional customer service being the primary goal of these airlines, the Customer Service Department and Customer Support service department know what practices are currently used and if new skills and training is necessary to improve customer satisfaction. Lastly, task analysis will identify what current job functions are performed and if a need to implement new practice is necessary. Determining the needs of employees within an organization, assisting managers and filling vacant positions are significant aspects of human resource management processes. Organizations must complete job analysis to identify the skills needed for each job. The job description explains the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to fill the various jobs as spelled out in job specifications. The main objective of a needs assessment is to answer common questions such as who, when, where and why. Conducting a need assessment protects the assets of an organization and it is also an opportunity to initiate the conversation for proper utilization of resources that have been set aside for training. All assessments gather the information needed to make the decision if training is needed with the use of specific techniques. The assessment will be conducted with interviews, focus groups and supporting documentation to decide if training is needed. The outcome of this assessment needs to be accurate. Develop a customer service training implementation plan and determine the method of training. Southwest has developed the Simulations method where an extensive technology-based training program is used. Its university for people is accessible to all its employees for personal and professional development. The virtual university offers courses ranging from software training to customer service. Additional, the airlines careers development services provides the employees with counseling, assessment and development plans. Employee training programs are helpful to organizations of different sizes. Even small companies can improve customer service skills. Large organizations often need training programs specifically targeted to employee development and changing technologies. Offering training programs to employees helps the employee feel more engaged and committed to the organization. The implementing of an employee training program in the organization improves job morale and teaches new skills. There are several steps to follow in developing a training plan. Step 1. Analyze your organizational needs. Interview managers and supervisors and identify employee performance areas that need growth. Step 2. Present your detailed presentation plan to the committee or the companys leadership team a nd be prepared to answer questions. Summarize the benefits of each proposed program, anticipated costs and time requirements. Demonstrate the need for each program by preparing detailed analysis of problem areas and possible solutions. Step 3. Conclude your plan and determine the budget for the next fiscal year. Request funds needed for the implementation of the customer service training. It should be taking in consideration employee training budget, including materials, travel, speaker fees, computer access charges and food in the budgeted amount. Step. 4 Allocate the funds by department, per employee or per training program, recommends the American Society for Training and Development (Lynn, 2014). Consider the benefits expected from each training program and decide if the cost of the program will give the desired results. Step 5. List the training classes offer over the year. Divide the classes by type and employee attendance. Prepare a schedule and publish it in the companys intranet. If possible, allow employees to sign up electronically to save valuable personnel time. Step 6. Look for potential trainers references and verify that his materials and presentation style fit the company needs. Arrange the program costs and fees and a list of any needed equipment. Ask an employee with expertise in the field to teach a class or utilize member of the companys human resources department. Set clear expectations of class content and have a feedback system in place. Strep7. Evaluate the success of the program immediately after the programs completion. Ask the participants to fill out a feedback of the training program. Analyze the comments to plan for further training. The simulation method used in this type of training is effective because it is planned and resourceful. Justify why you selected the training program that you did. The simulation method is a perfect program used by airlines. The method offers the trainees the opportunity to experience some characteristics of their job in a secure and restricted environment and build skills related to those aspects of the job. Southwest Airlines has established the Flight Simulation training method where the technicians are responsible for continuous maintenance and engineering support for the Flight Operations Training Center, also where all Southwest Airlines Pilots receive training, as well as support for Flight Attendant emergency door trainers. The group was named Southwests Heroes of the Heart winner for 2014, an annual tribute awarded to a behind the scenes workgroup whose dedication contributes to Southwests success. (Southwest, 2014). â€Å" Southwest continues to count on the incredible reliability of its Flight Simulation Technicians as the airline completes the integration of AirTran, trains classes of New Hire Pilots, and adds hundreds of Captains through 2015†.(Southwest, 2014) Propose two (2) ways to motivate an employee who has no interest in attending a training class. Motivating and keeping employees in the company, requires effective management practices and strong leadership skills. An adequate training and good operating system are vital in a company. Employees need proper support and training tools to performance the job. A performance-based compensation plan should be designed very carefully to ensure that employees are encouraged to help build the business. Recognition and communication are also very important manager key responsibilities. Management, leadership skills and efforts will determine the success in providing a good environment where the employees will be motivated therefore will remain loyal to the company. Southwest Airlines is an excellent example of what most airlines companies are striving for. Some of its ways to motivate an employee who has no interest in attending a training class are: 1- Reward and recognition. Employees kno w that the company provides meaningful recognition and rewards for their performance. They know precisely what the company gives them in return for their unique work. The entire employees place particular importance in exploring every possible technique approach and devise to recognize outstanding performance. Southwest identifies all employees directly in proportion to their personal accomplishments. This generates a contagious shared energy across the whole organization and as consequence the work environment is animated with enthusiasm and joy and this atmosphere is what the employees love. For their employees, compensation is of secondary importance. By generously rewarding its employees for excellent performance, Southwest Airlines is able to maintain loyalty, job satisfaction and high level of personal motivation. 2- Performance Management. A key feature of Southwest Airlines performance management is its performance transparency. To begin with, the company measures three dimension of performance: Employee wellbeing, customer satisfaction and shareholder gain. To reach their goals, the performance of the average worker is critical (Deutschen dorf, 2014). Therefore, Southwest Airlines stresses a demanding tracking and rewarding of individual performance, attached with clear immediate and straight feedback. The employees have a strong image of the background in which they work; they clearly understand how performance is measured and what it is they can do in order to improve it. The understanding of current individual performance and organizational performance is a key factor not only in Southwest Airlines employee motivation, but also in any employee motivation setting. Develop a survey to collect feedback from the employees who attend the training. Companies should give a chance to their employees to express their thoughts on the direction of the company has the opposite effect. It is very important for the company to find out their opinions of a specific training class and it is more likely they will take a personal stake in the business and feel like they are part of the team. Every method of gathering employee feedback depends on what challenges you need to address as a business. Common questions managers seek when employees complete their training classes are: Was the course appropriate to your needs? Were the training personnel sufficiently knowledgeable and professional? Was the training facility good? Was the training package communication available to you organization? Was the training course complete? And lastly, the amount of communication with you and your department. Training and Evaluation = Required fields How satisfied are you: Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Was the course appropriate Training personnel are sufficiently knowledgeable Quality of the training facility Communication of the training package The training course overall Amount of communication with you/your department References Deutschendorf, H. (2014). 7 key elements in southwest airlines employee motivation. Retrieved from: Dugan, T. (2014). Developing and training human resources in organizations/ small business chron. Retrieved from: La Tasha. (2013). Southwest airlines needs assessment and analysis. Retrieved from: Lynn, D. (2014). How to implement an employee training program. Retrieved from: Southwest, A. (2014). Sothwest airlines and its flight simulation technicians. Retrieved from:
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Implementing a Supply Chain Management System
Implementing a Supply Chain Management System Advantages and Disadvantages of Implementing a Supply Chain Management System A Supply Chain Management system is an information system which integrates the primary inbound logistics business activity. Supply Chain Management system supports inbound and outbound logistics procurement as well as procurement support activities. Supply Chain Management systems support three basic processes which are source, purchase and settle; because Supply Chain Management systems support the three basic processes the process itself of the supply chain has become faster and more efficient. One advantage of implementing a supply chain management system within an organization is that it has expanded supply chain speed which is the dollar value of good exchanged in a given period of time; this allows for companies make their processes quicker and more efficient. Another advantage for implementing a Supply Chain Management is that the Supply Chain Management System enables both the supplier and the customer to reduce the size of inventories therefore reducing inventory costs which in the long run will assist the company grow because they are keeping their costs low. This reduction in inventory costs is possible because the speed and the efficiency provided by information systems enable processing of small orders fast. SCM Systems also help improve delivery scheduling this occurs because the suppliers are able to deliver materials and components at the time and sequence needed this enables just-in-time inventory which allows manufacturers to reduce raw materials and handle of raw materials. SCM Systems also are an advantage because it creates processes to achieve strategies. The SCM Systems are mainly developed for support for business processes which assist organizations achieve competitive advantage over other companies as well as helping to avoid creating systems that are unrelated to organizations strategy. The last advantage of a SCM system is it fixes bullwhip effect which is the tendency of consumers to buy more than they would need in the immediate fu ture. The disadvantages to implementing a Supply Chain Management System are that it can be expensive and difficult for some employees to learn. While some employees want change and are not reluctant to modifications to their current system many other employees will resist the change; which would result in the organization having to deal with this which can drive costs of implementing such a system even higher. Another reason implementing a SCM System is a disadvantage is because for some organizations it may require them to change substantially because their current system is very basic; therefore, implementation of such a highly advanced system could change the organization considerably. If a company grows significantly, such as NIKE did, then SCM can become a hindrance because the company grows and the system could become irrelevant towards the companys main objective. An additional drawback of implementing a SCM System is that there could be a lack of appreciation for the system just a s there was for NIKE; this is based on the statement made by the Nike CIO, Gordon Steele, he thought that that this system would have been an easier solution for the problems Nike was facing but in essence it turned out to much more complicated. Another disadvantage for implementing a SCM System is that even though a company may think that they have trained their employees enough, the reality of this can be that there is never enough training available, which Nikes CIO stated again. Options for Acquiring a SCM System Companies must first acknowledge that there is a problem with their organizational system. In the case, Nike sensed that there was an issue with their current business model in that it focused on centralization but increasingly became more and more decentralized. Its only option was to acquire a SCM system to create greater supply chain visibility. They were to find vendors by shopping around for SCM systems and the organizations that program them. So they had to search for information on how to solve their problem. Nike understood that they had to quickly and accurately analyze the impacts of proposed SCM . Business should use information to evaluate alternative brands in the choice set and assess the capabilities of each. Negotiation of the terms and conditions would follow. The purchase decision follows and the business decides to buy the program. Nike addressed this issue by implementing SAP ERP in conjunction with i2 software to be its information system. The final step is the post purchase evaluation in which the company takes further action after the purchase based on their satisfaction or dissatisfaction. The advantages of each option: Reduce costs of buying and selling, increases supply chain speed, reduces size and cost of inventories, and improves delivery scheduling. This disintermediation that occurs when eliminating the middle layers in the supply chain will increase market efficiency. The disadvantages of each option: Technology and user training. Raw Material Purchasing Process In order for there to even be a raw material purchasing process there must be a supply chain for which the raw materials get transferred through. A supply chain is considered a network of organizations/facilities that transform raw materials into products delivered to customers. The main purpose of a raw material purchasing process is for a company to be able to successfully transfer raw materials into intermediate goods which can then be transferred to finals good and delivered to the customer; this is all done to ensure that the customer gets the service as efficiently and prompt as possible. The processes itself is started once the customer realizes that there is a need or want for a product. The customer then places an order for their service through the retailer. The retailers then in-return must order from the distributors that would dispense to the retailers. The distributers are then required to order from the manufactures that develop or create the product but in order for the distributers to develop or create the product they have to order the supplies from the suppliers that they receive their materials from. The suppliers are the ones with the original raw material. Once the supply chain is complete from the customers realization up to the suppliers being notified of the raw material being needed all items are delivered and the suppliers payment goes through the same process; retailers get paid by customer the retailers pay the distributors distributors pay manufactures-manufactures pay supplier. Potential Pitfalls in Implementing a SCM System The increasing outsourcing that occurs is one of the potential pitfalls that may be Encountered when implementing a supply chain management system. Shrinking product lifecycles, intensifying economic pressures, and constant changes in supply, demand, and product make supply chain optimization harder than ever. Existing systems generate plans that become obsolete the moment theyre finished, while spreadsheets and ad hoc databases lack the visibility and collaborative capabilities organizations need to swiftly and effectively monitor and respond to change. Another downfall encountered is that user training must be administered and completed before implementing a supply chain management system. Major Tasks that need to be Completed Evidently Nike has not spent enough time and effort in implementing their supply chain process to coincide with the organization. Which is why they now must purchase a new SCM system, but before implementing this new system, major tasks must be done in order for it to work efficiently. A successful SCM System requires a change from managing individual functions to integrating activities into key supply chain processes. Supply Chain Management entails coordination and configuration of the process that is necessary to make products available in a timely, reproducible and pleasing manner. Nike must first come up with a strategy for managing all the resources that go toward meeting customer demand for their product or service. A big part in Supply Chain Management, that Nike failed to strive in, is monitoring the supply chain so that it is efficient, costs less and delivers high quality and value to customers. As Nike grew and times changed, their central control became more centralized leading them to 27 different order managements systems worldwide. This clearly has led to their downfall, and evidently Nike must look over and choose suppliers to deliver the goods and services they need to create their product. Supply chain managers must develop a set of pricing, delivery and payment processes with suppliers if not satisfied with the original and also create a better system for monitoring and improving their relationships. The manufacturing step is most important because this is when supply chain managers schedule the activities necessary for production, testing, packaging and preparation for delivery. Nike must develop a proper procurement process, this is important because Nike extends globally. This is the process of strategic plans made with suppliers to support the manufacturing flow management process and the development of new products. Procurement delivers the responsibility for assuring the quality of purchased raw material/services and linking supplier operations to distribution through manufacturing activities. This step allows for measurement of quality levels, production output and worker productivity. Nike must ensure that the manufacturing processes are flexible to respond to market changes and accommodate mass customization. The product development and commercialization must be looked at as well because it is such a lengthy task. Customers and suppliers must be combined into the product development process in order to reduce time to market because the appropriate products must be developed and successfully launched with shorter time-schedules to remain competitive. If Nike is to attain competitive advantage, then their ultimate aim should be to achieve supply chain excellence before their competitors do. What Nike realized, later than other companies, is that the most important assets to an organization are their employees and consumers. Steele quotes You can never train enough which is only the truth. To ensure that this new system is successful the employees must all need to know how to use work with the system. Hence this is why Nike has now made training an important part of business. As important is the customer service management process; an organization that strives to be successful should use the following steps to build customer relationships: determine mutually satisfying goals for organization/customers establish and maintain customer relationship, and produce positive feelings in the organization and the customers. We all know companies like Nike exist to serve their consumers; hence they must find a clear and concise way of knowing exactly what their consumers want and passing that information through the supply chain to the suppliers correctly.
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Great Depression and Franklin D. Roosevelts New Deal Essay
The Great Depression and Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal During the 1930's, America witnessed a breakdown of the Democratic and free enterprise system as the US fell into the worst depression in history. The economic depression that beset the United States and other countries was unique in its severity and its consequences. At the depth of the depression, in 1933, one American worker in every four was out of a job. The great industrial slump continued throughout the 1930's, shaking the foundations of Western capitalism. The New Deal describes the program of US president Franklin D. Roosevelt from 1933 to 1939 of relief, recovery, and reform. These new policies aimed to solve the economic problems created by the depression of the 1930's. When Roosevelt was nominated, he said, "I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people." The New Deal included federal action of unprecedented scope to stimulate industrial recovery, assist victims of the Depression, guarantee minimum living standards, and prevent future economic crises. Many economic, political, and social factors lead up to the New Deal. Staggering statistics, like a 25% unemployment rate, and the fact that 20% of NYC school children were under weight and malnourished, made it clear immediate action was necessary. In the first two years, the New Deal was concerned mainly with relief, setting up shelters and soup kitchens to feed the millions of unemployed. However as time progressed, the focus shifted towards recovery. In order to accomplish this monumental task, several agencies were created. The National Recovery Administration (NRA) was the keystone of the early new deal program launched by Roosevelt. It was created... ... After the law was passed, wages began to rise as the economy turned to war production. Wages and prices continued to rise, and the original minimum wage ceased to be relevant. However, this new law still excluded millions of working people, as did social security. However, a severe recession led many people to turn against New Deal policies. In addition, World War II erupted in September 1939. Causing an enormous growth in the economy as war goods were once again in great demand. No major New Deal legislation was enacted after 1938. The Depression was a devastating event in America, and by regulating banks and the stock market the New Deal eliminated the dubious financial practices that had helped precipitate the Great Depression. However, Roosevelt's chief fiscal tool, deficit spending, proved to be ineffective in averting downturns in the economy.
Facts about Ecstasy :: essays research papers
     Ecstasy, or MDMA, has become a major drug problem in the last few years. Although it is widely used, it has been proven to be dangerous. Ecstasy is a designer drug, which means it is synthetically made by street chemists. These people are not usually certified chemists and are in it for the money. This makes taking E even more dangerous. Ecstasy effects are very similar to Amphetamines and speed. Although the chemical structure is not similar to these other drugs, the effect on the body is the same. This is an informational article and in no way endorses the use of ecstasy, since it is a dangerous and illegal drug. NAMES      Ecstasy, since it is highly illegal, naturally has many names to cover its true identity. Ecstasy is also known as MDMA, pills, Adam and eve, X, E, Ecstacy, XTC, or Adam. Some fake-ecstasy drugs can be bought over the counter, such as Cloud 9, or The Pill. These are herbal fakes, and are considered by experts to not be anything like ecstasy in its true form. They may say they are ecstasy, but they really aren’t.                     DOSAGE      A average person must take 100-159 milligrams orally to feel the full effects of this drug. The drug works quickly, and effects will be noticed about forty-five minutes later. As with other drugs, if it is smoked, snorted, or injected, it will work quicker. The physical effects generally last about eight hours. The mental effects can last much longer, with them trailing off around one or two days.                     MENTAL EFFECTS      The mental effects of ecstasy are sometimes hard to describe since they are mental feelings. Scientists have classified the major mental effects of ecstasy. Entactogenesis is the first major effect of ecstasy when people feel that everything is right and good with the world. They also find interest in common everyday objects. They just have a general happy feeling. Empathogenesis is the next major effect of ecstasy; it is seems to create a feeling of closeness to others and a breakdown of communication barriers. So it seems to make you be much for open with people than before. This effect probably helped ecstasy earn its name of the Love Drug.                     PHYSICAL EFFECTS      MDMA can create any number of physical effects such as dizziness, accelerated heartbeat, sweating, insomnia, incessant talking, euphoria are all experienced. Many users report a loss of judgment, which can threaten physical health. Almost every user of ecstasy has major loss of body fluid through sweating.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Rome :: essays research papers
Chapter 7 Section Reviews SECTION 1 1. republic-form of government in which voters elect their leaders consul-chief executives who run the government and are also army commanders veto-refusal to approve and act or bill checks and balances-a principle to prevent any one part of government from becoming too powerful praetor-military commander and judge censor-determined how much tax people should pay tribune-could veto Senate bills and act as public officials dictator-had absolute power and served a 6 month term 2. Romulus-Founder of Rome, son of Mars Pontifex Maximus-The high priest, elected for life by a special assembly of 17 tribes 3. Tiber River-Connects Rome to the Mediterranean Rome-In the Center of what is presently Italy Rubicon River-Connects the Tiber to the Adriatic Sea 4. The Etruscans developed a written language from Greek characters. They were able to better their language system. 5. Rome was located in the Center of everything. It was an amazing location. They had access to all the neighboring countries. Although Rome would have been very subject to a navel attack if ships were built like today’s ships. 6. I would rather live under a democracy no matter how much we voted over. I like the feeling that we have say in everything that happens with my country. In the Roman government you didn’t have much say. Some people didn’t even have any say in the government at all. SECTION 2 1. indemnity-money for damages latifundia-leasing land to anyone who could afford it equites-businesspeople of Rome crucifixion-the accused was tied to a cross and left to die a slow agonizing death from suffocation 2. publican-contracted with censors to agree to collect the taxes and pay a fixed amout to the Roman treasury Spartacus-was crucified along with 6,000 of his followers 3. Carthage-on the Mediterranean Southwest of Sicily Sicily-an island South of Rome but North of Africa Zama-Southwest of Carthage, home of a battle 4. a)They were fighting over land and the control of all trade. Rome feared the Carthaginian navy would close the Adriatic Sea and the narrow Strait of Messina. b)Carthage was no longer a threat to Rome 5. a)It was forced to expend to meet the needs of the new territories. Proconsuls were appointed by the Senate and backed by a Roman army to lead the provinces. b)The farmer would served in the Punic War came back to a farm in ruins. Many of the farmers moved to the cities. The role of a citizen-farmer was no longer needed. SECTION 3 1. Marius-a military hero who signed citizens to his legions whether they had land or not and ended up falling to Sulla Sulla-defeated Marius and ruled as military dictator until 79B.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Critically analyze Brandom and Haugeland’s views regarding Cartesianism
The concept of Cartesianism is that every and/or any thing that can be doubted must be discarded, and ideally formulated anew in order to be cemented in truthfulness. Doubting is the first way of determining whether something is useful, and if it isn’t, you discard what you know and basically reinvent it in such a way that is useful. We apply this Cartesianism in a social context when we look at society, politics and the interactions of people on any communicative grounds.This would include linguistics, thinking and any other forms of interaction that form any kind of groundwork for social and societal interaction. Using Cartesianism, we can draw distinctions between such things. We will look at the notions of language, reasoning and thinking, in terms of the works of two philosophers, Robert Brandom and John Haugeland, with the emphasis on comparing and contrasting their unique views. Brandom: Freedom, Norms, Reason and ThoughtRobert Brandom’s views on personal freedom were rooted in the difference between how he perceived his forerunners on the subject matter; he compared and contrasted Kant and Hegel in his work ‘Freedom and Constraint by Norms’. In this work, he critically observes the foundation from which Kant and Hegel analyzed the ideas of personal freedom, as expressed – or refuted – by norms. In order to set out these principles – freedom and norms – we must first define them. Brandom had this to say about Kant’s viewpoint:One of the most suggestive responses to the first set of concerns has been developed by the Kantian tradition: the doctrine that freedom consists precisely in being constrained by norms rather than merely by causes, answering to what ought to be as well as what is. (1979, p. 187). We assume the fact here that norms are things which become established over time by society/community, and that they determine and decide how things should be done, by the individual and by the community.Where Kant pragmatically argued that society used norms to determine the individual’s actions, Brandom also included how Hegel proposed a different approach, from a different angle: The central feature determining the character of any vision of human freedom is the account offered of positive freedom (freedom to) – those respects in which our activity should be distinguished from the mere lack of external causal constraint (freedom from) †¦ (1979, p. 187). Brandom furthers his argument by taking his proposed solution into the domain of the linguistic.He argues that the basis of norms, with regards to their use in regulating society and the individual’s role therein, requires creative expression from individuals in order to promote the Hegelian concept of idealistic, ‘positive’ freedom. Ultimately, Brandom proposes a post-Hegelian solution, one which builds on Hegel’s initial statements and ideally assists the advancement of ind ividuals within a communal setting. In ‘A Social Route from Reasoning to Representing’, Brandom further explores the generally held principles that individual beings are capable of reasoning and reasonable thought processes.Because of this inherent trait, fostered in the upbringing of each individual, truth by inference or deductive reasoning becomes a cornerstone of the thoughts and actions of every individual. The exploration of the difference between actually thinking and thinking about something is established and represented by the accepted standard that individuals move in social circles, and so influence each other’s ideas and notions of reason. Common ground is found in these motions, or as Brandom qualifies, â€Å"the representational dimension †¦ reflects the social structure †¦ in the game of giving and asking for reason.†(2000, p. 183). Haugeland: Truth, Rules and Social Cartesianism John Haugeland approaches the idea behind the soci al establishments in much the same way as Brandom. He explores the same set of topics in his work ‘Truth and Rule-following’, where he mentions the idea of norms as being bound to rules and how the social circle comprised of unique individuals see such institutes. These rules are divided into factual and governing, with factual being held as understood and upheld by all and governing as normative; â€Å"how they ought to be†(Haugeland, 1998, p. 306).Haugeland also argues that these norms are upheld by a communal motion to associate and create similarities between individuals: conformity. He further proposes that social normativity can be grounded in biological normativity – the same principles and arguments can be applied, but only insofar as human beings are capable of reason, and that a biological body by contrast follows certain predetermined, preprogrammed sets or rules, while a reasoning mind can necessarily adapt around or expand on conditions and w ork beyond them, as a biological preset cannot.This supports the idea of governing norms being changeable, separate from objective truth. Also, social norms are enacted through the input of others, in a sense promoting a system where one member of the community checks up on the others, and vice versa. Haugeland’s case is concluded with an emphatic argument for the similarity and union between norms of reason (governing norms) and objective truth (factual norms) boiling down to being the same thing: both are in fact changeable, if in different, subjective ways.With ‘Social Cartesianism’, Haugeland explores the work of three other philosophers, objectifying the reason for his assumptions based on the use of philosophy in language, which all three works – the works of Goodman, Quine and Wittgenstein/Kripke – explore in some form. The reason for this analysis is Cartesian in origin. The first work, by Goodman, is an argument based on defining predicates – accepted rules – and testing the limits of their acceptability, in true, doubtful, Cartesian style.The work of Quine focuses on the elements of translation, of taking personally accepted norms and placing them over a culture with differing norms, thereby defining that culture according to our own way of doing things. Lastly, the debate ventured by Wittgenstein/Kripke is one of skepticism that proposes that all norms are social, not private: â€Å"In sum: if meanings must be normative, but individuals can’t impose norms on themselves, then private, individual meanings are impossible†(Haugeland, p. 219).Haugeland extrapolates that each one of these arguments is fundamentally flawed, based on the conclusion he draws regarding each of the three works’ shortcomings: they all fail to account for the real world, the world that everyone lives in and is affected by. Brandom versus Haugeland Perhaps the most obvious similarity between Brandom and Haugela nd’s individual accounts and reasoning is the fact that they approach the same kinds of topics: social situation, individuality, freedom, language and thought.Despite various approaches and held viewpoints, both are compelled to a certain Cartesian way of doing things, of discarding everything or anything that is not beyond doubt and recreating these things anew by using sound reasoning. Brandom is fond of referencing Kant and Hegel and placing them in opposition against each other, most notably in stating their viewpoints from necessity and polarity: Kant held the view that norms dictated freedom and individuality, whereas Hegel was more positive in expressing his views on freedom ultimately determining norms.In a similar fashion, Haugeland approached the subject of norms and normativity, and how they affected individuals, both linguistically and thoughtfully. We will look at the comparison of norms and normativity first, and then spread outward into linguistics and thought. The view of normativity being a deciding factor, most notably on a linguistic basis, for representing the two polarities of norms and facts, is upheld by both philosophers.Brandom sees norms as something which is instituted based on reason, on the idea that they are something that is held by a communal mindset and imposed on the individual. Facts in turn are things which are accepted as a given by not only individuals but also by the community. Focusing on linguistics, Brandom draws on translation, on the action of placing or transposing one set of accepted norms – from, say, one community’s point of view – onto another community’s point of view. Note here that Haugeland also referenced the idea of translation in his critique of Quine’s work.This poses the first real contrast between Brandom and Haugeland’s points of view: Brandom poses the idea that translation promotes assimilation: By translating, rather than causally explaining some per formance, we extend our community (the one which engages in the social practices into which we translate the stranger’s behavior) so as to include the stranger, and treat his performances as variants of our own. (1979, p. 191). The act of making something your own, drawing something or someone in from outside your boundaries, speaks of a shift of norms.Logically it can be argued that assimilating something new forces your way of thinking about something to be altered to accommodate what is new, even if what has been absorbed becomes a representation of something completely new and different. In this we see Brandom’s shift to the Hegelian idea of the novel, the new, being created in a positive sense in order to advance and enhance the communal whole. Haugeland contrasts by referencing Quine: â€Å"†¦ although the translations are different, there is no fact as to which of them is the ‘right’ one, because there is no ‘objective matter to be right or wrong about’.†(cited from Haugeland, ). Haugeland would seemingly disagree with Brandom’s use of translation as a means of successfully integrating norms, of taking norm and transforming it into fact. Translation still argues for something similar, not new: it presupposes a universal component that stretches through all languages. Judgment is another key concept, one bound to reason and thought. Brandom cites Kant once more in bringing to the fore the sense that one must act from thought, and that judging and acting requires a commitment, â€Å"staking a claim – undertaking a commitment†(1979, p. 164).Brandom repeats the basis of linguistics, of the game played between people, based on inference and the inherent ability to deduce and conclude. An individual can naturally deduce something spoken or gestured from another individual by making a commitment to do so. This commitment relies heavily on the shared understanding between individuals, th e factual norms that are referenced again and again as a means of achieving the communal awareness of similarity. Haugeland agrees here; linguistically, words must have a normal, generic meaning in order for the speaking individual to be understood.There must be common ground. He continues by saying that â€Å"meanings, by their very nature, are normative rules,†and emphasizes this dilemma by citing this example: And the essential problem is that individuals cannot impose norms on themselves. For that would be like taking a dictator, with absolute legal authority, to be bound by her own law. But she can’t really be bound by her own law since, given her authority, if she changes her mind and does something different, that just changes the law – which is equivalent to saying that the law did not bind her in the first place.Similarly †¦ an individual cannot, on his own authority, bind himself by his private norm. (Haugeland, , p. 219). The crux of this compar ison between Haugeland and Brandom is that both agree on the fact that law, in a sense, and rules, must be used to bind a norm, albeit a governing one – a norm based on reason. A person cannot be subject to his/her own norms, therefore the norms must be implemented from outside the individual; from the communal.Coming back to the linguistic component again, we can logically assume that language as a means of communication forms a regulating basis here. The words, actions and judgment of others forces a certain conformity, a means whereby an individual can operate and coexist within a community. Thought has always been at the core of the human need to define him/herself. The adage cogito ergo sum (I think therefore I am) has been advanced to more complex statements. Rene Descartes advanced dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum (Latin for I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am) (Persaud, p. 259).Cartesian philosophy dwells deeply on thought processes, so it should be unsurprising t hat both Brandom and Haugeland spent some thought on the dynamics of applying Cartesian methods on the thought process. Haugeland praised Descartes’ input, going further than the original assumptions made by Descartes and stating that â€Å"The determinacy that matters here concerns not the formal reality of those ideas †¦ but rather their objective reality (roughly their intentional content as representations. ) (Haugeland, , p. 224). In other words, Haugeland implies that human individuals in isolation, as subjectively separate, is fairly unimportant.What matters ultimately is the collective, the union of all individuals in an objective community, not necessarily defined by the community but by their place in it, and their unique contributions to it. Brandom seems to agree by stating: The social dimension of inference [deduction] involved in the communication to others of claims that must be available as reasons [common ground] both to the speaker [individual] and to the audience [collective, community], in spite of differences in collateral commitments, is what underlies the representational dimension of discourse [communication]. (2000, p. 183).Summed up, the previous statement can be matched to Haugeland’s assumptions: the community is not the only important thing, but in order for norms, rules and laws to make sense regarding thought, language and freedom, the community or collective needs to operate on a standard of shared understanding, so that each unique individual can still function and interact with others despite the individuality. Conclusion Through using Cartesian principles regarding the discovery of usefulness, we have come to the conclusion that, with regards to using doubt as a means of determining an outcome or a reality, pragmatism is in fact a necessary element.Reality, as Haugeland would have us believe, is not simply determined by the individuals, communities and their norms only, but rather arises from the world we live in first, before casting a shadow of effects over the individual and the rest. We have argued that Brandom and Haugeland, though often different in their modes of expression and discourse, are nevertheless in agreement on many of the key aspects regarding norms, whether factual or governing, subjective or objective.At the end, Cartesian doubt influences thought, and thought influences language and interaction between people, yielding a collected sense of understanding and finally yielding a system of laws, rules and judgments that govern and regulate society and community. However, in conclusion it is perhaps better to emphasize Hegel’s idealism – as opposed to Kant’s pragmatism: that freedom be positive, to allow for creativity within the system and to not be bound by external causes such as rules and laws only. References Brandom, R. B. (2000). A Social Route from Reasoning to Representing.Articulating Reasons: an Introduction to Inferentialism. Cambridge , Harvard University Press. Brandom, R. B. (1979). Freedom and Constraint by Norms. American Philosophical Quarterly, Volume 16, 13, 87-196. Haugeland, J. (). Social Cartesianism. 213-225. Haugeland, J. (1998). Truth and Rule-following. Having Thought: Essays in the metaphysics of mind. Cambridge, Harvard University Press. Persaud, R. (2002) Ten Books. The British Journal of Psychiatry, Volume 181, 258-261, Retrieved May 17, 2008, from http://bjp. rcpsych. org/cgi/content/full/181/3/258.
Friday, August 16, 2019
How Does Social Media Affect Society Essay
Social media has taken a big toll on our everyday lives. Social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat allow you to connect with just about anyone. According to Cornell University’s Steven Strogatz, social media sites can make it more difficult for us to distinguish between the meaningful relationships we foster in the real world, and the numerous casual relationships formed through social media. Social media has become an unquestionable part of our everyday lives. According to Booth, studies have shown that people actually are becoming more social and more interactive with others, but the style of that communication has changed so that we’re not meeting face-to-face as often as we used to and he also says, â€Å"We’d rather email than meet, and we’d rather text than talk on the phone. â€Å"Hearing from our friends and family makes us feel important and loved†¦. We don’t want to be the last to know about some important, or even trivial, event of interest,†says Dr. Joanne Cantor. And our gadgets help quell that insatiable curiosity that we’ve had since we were babies. Social media isn’t always negative. It can help build self-esteem such as when you post a picture on Instagram or Facebook and you see comments saying, â€Å"You’re beautiful†or â€Å"that’s a pretty picture.’’ Negative Effects of Social Media Teenagers are negatively impacted by social media view by the way they show their personal image and beauty standards. The sizes of celebrities often influence teens. Magazine advertisements also encourage teens to think they have to look a certain way to be considered beautiful or handsome. Teens should be taught to value their own talents and beauties. TV and movie programs encourage characters to use drugs, alcohol, and violence. The satisfaction and successfulness of drugs, alcohol, and violence are making it hard for teenagers to make responsible decisions. It is up to the parents to teach their teens about the negative consequences that come with risky behavior activity. Being on to much social media can lead to addiction and take away time to do other tasks. Secondly, kids can see images on social media that encourage violence and sexual activity. Another negative affect of the social media is that users shares too much information which can pose a threat to them. Even with the heavy security settings your personal information may spill out on the social sites. Posting your videos or pictures and copying your status is an easy task and can be done within few clicks.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Dreaming Expository Essay
Folio Task 3 – Expository Writing 1. To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. Statement of explanation: This piece of writing is in the form of an expository essay. The purpose of this expository essay is to explore and discuss what it means to accomplish great things, and how these dreams and aspirations can be anything more than just a dream. This essay agrees with the statement that ‘to accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.Saying that it is simply not enough to have dreams and goals, and it is also not enough just being a hard-working person. It takes a combination of both dreaming and aspiring to greater things, and also a person or people that are prepared to work hard and who believe in what they do, in order to eventually accomplish something ‘great’. The audience for this piece of writing is for a collection of expository essays written by students, for other students who may benefit from seeing other pieces of writing that relate to their studies. Accomplishing great things does not often stray far from being persistently hard working. To accomplish great things, it often takes far more than just luck. It takes a combination of hard work, planning, having goals and ambitions and having belief in what you are striving to accomplish. For most people in life, ‘great things’ do not come easily, and do not come without the sacrifices that sometimes have to be made. For most, great things are a result of the belief and trust that one has within themselves, and the time, effort and planning that needs to be inaugurated for great things to be accomplished. Great feats will never be accomplished if there are no dreams or ambitions in the first place. It is true in saying that in order for great things to be accomplished, a lot of hard work and planning needs to be involved, but these great dreams and ambitions will never come true if they never existed in the first place. In order for something to be ‘great’ and for it to seem satisfactorily accomplished, it needs to have started off as a simple pipedream or aspiration, so it has room to grow and develop fully into something great. There are no shortages of examples of dreams and aspirations in David Malouf’s Dream Stuff. For example in one of the short stories, Closer, the youngest of a very strict and religious family, Amy, dreams that one day her family will re-unite and her Uncle Charles will be accepted and loved once again by his family, forgiven of his sexuality. It is never known if Uncle Charles will be re-united with his family, but it is certain that for Amy, dreaming about this happening makes it all seem more plausible and that it might one day actually come true. If Amy did not have this dream, this desire to see her Uncle walk back on to her side of the fence – both in the literal and metaphorical sense – then Amy would have lost hope and would not continue being the ambitious and optimistic girl that she is. Great things will never be accomplished or earned if hard work and planning is not somehow involved. As much as there needs to be aspirations and goals for dreams to start, they will very rarely come true unless actions are implemented and planning is used. Hard work and planning are just as, if not more important than the initial spark that will hopefully turn out to one day be ‘great’. If a person truly wished to accomplish something great, then not only their heart, but also their mind must be entirely focussed on what they hope to achieve. They must know and understand what they want to accomplish, and then plan, work hard for it, invest time in it, and take action upon it. This is the only way that a person can completely earn and feel wholly satisfied with what they desire to accomplish. For example, in David Malouf’s Blacksoil Country, another short story in Dream Stuff? the newly colonised family are an unsavoury and a somewhat unpleasant example of how some dreams, whether they are desired by all or not, can come true. The father of the family dreams of owning his own land for agricultural and farming purposes, and he takes his inquisitive 12 year old son and very unwilling wife to the outbacks of Australia. But due to the lack of knowledge and poor communication, the son becomes the unfortunate victim and losing his life to the racial discrimination that was very prevalent in those days. But the father’s dream of owning is own land, and moving to Australia would not have come without hard work and it quite clearly did not come without any sacrifices. It is true to say that dreams and ambitions are very important and are a vital part of accomplishing great things. Great things cannot even be considered to be accomplished if there is no dream or goals or aspirations to begin with. But it is also true to say that these dreams and ambitions cannot transpire or emerge from anything more than a dream, if hard work and planning is not involved. These dreams will rarely become anything more than just dreams if the person is not wholeheartedly committed and has full belief in what they are doing. In conclusion, it takes a combination of both – the initial dreams and aspirations, but also hard work, commitment, planning and most importantly, belief in what you are aiming to achieve.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Compare Essays Baldwin & Emerson
The focal point of this paper is to compare and contrast the essays, James Baldwins’ In Search of a Majority: An Address and Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Race. Both the writers investigate into the aspects of race and communities and reveal their faith in accordance to their argument. James Baldwin states that to understand and evaluate the aspects of racial differences it is important to understand the true nature of minorities and majorities in a given state or nation.He believes that once the majorities of a country or region is identified it would be logical to understand the reason behind the social strata of the majority. In other words, James Baldwin indicates, according to his thesis or discussion, that â€Å"the only useful definition of the word â€Å"majority†does not refer to numbers, and it does not refer to power. It refers to influence. †(Baldwins, 2006) On the other hand, Emerson believes that race is the fundamental influence and ingredient of success. For his argument, he has constructed his text and taken the English as a model of most influential race.According to his belief the English people are the most dominant and influential race and to prove that he states, â€Å"How came such men as King Alfred, and Roger Bacon, William of Wykeham, Walter Raleigh, Philip Sidney, Isaac Newton, William Shakspeare, George Chapman, Francis Bacon, George Herbert, Henry Vane, to exist here? What made these delicate natures? was it the air? was it the sea? was it the parentage? †. (Emerson, 2006) Thus, Emerson tries to prove that race is the inbuilt and fundamental aspect of success.Thus, both these essays can well be related to each other in the sense that both the writers are trying to find out the fundaments of racism and the dominant features of a social stratum. However, both the writers are looking at the same elements of sociological confluence but from the opposite directions. While, Baldwin feels that the most powerful group of people are those who are the most influential in a given society Emerson feels that the most influential human group in a given society are the one who are the most racially powerful and distinct.Emerson’s claims of dominance of the Englishman starts with their ancestral background of the Germanic origins during the roman era and whom the Romans too found very difficult to handle and impossible to dominate. Then he imposes historical data like the details of the British Empire and the demographic supremacy of the empire at its zenith. To prove his point he indicates, â€Å"It is race, is it not? that puts the hundred millions of India under the dominion of a remote island in the north of Europe.†(Emerson, 2006) On the other hand, Baldwin looks into the matter of arguments in a more contemporary sense. He indicates that there is only a sense of paranoia in the context of xenophobia in modern US. He indicates that, as the population of the Negro community is l ess influential in US society it is obvious that â€Å"It is only too clear that even with the most malevolent will in the world Negroes can never manage to achieve one-tenth of the harm which we fear. †(Baldwins, 2006)If the two arguments are compared in this context we would find that Baldwin’s arguments are induced by a sense of humane appeal and he suggests that all human races have the chance to be powerful and influential at a given condition and thus he suggests that every human race has a fair chance to dominate at a given point of time and at a given point of space. On the other hand, Emerson’s arguments are more fundamentalist in nature and at times it appears that his only intention of writing is to prove English superiority as a race.He tends to forget the entire human history and just focus on the last two hundred years where the English dominated most of the world population. Nevertheless, such conditions came and went for most of the races of the world. There were the Egyptians and Mesopotamians. The Greeks and the Persians were at a high. The Romans, Huns, Mongols and French all had their days in the sun. So, what makes the English better than the rest?The author fails to answer this and chooses to keep these questions out of his text. However, if we take the two arguments together we would find an interesting observation that we could not by approaching them each individually. If that is done we would find that there are some specific notions of success for a race and if the situation and surroundings are in complete alignment with each other there are possibilities that any race can become the dominant race of the world, at least for a period.This is the fundamental revelation of these two arguments that has not been mentioned once in these texts. References: Baldwins, James; (2006); In Search of a Majority: An Address Emerson, Ralph Waldo; (2006); Race; The Complete Works Of Ralph Waldo Emerson; www. davemckay. co. uk; Retrieved on 07. 04. 2008 from http://www. davemckay. co. uk/philosophy/emerson/emerson. php? name=emerson. 05. english. 04
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
SQL Queries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
SQL Queries - Essay Example Description I have added a sub query in WHERE clause to filter those students who have no placement. f. List the names and student ids for students who have gained employment with the company that they undertook a placement at. SELECT DISTINCT Student.stu_fname, Student.stu_no FROM Employment, Student, Placement WHERE Student.stu_no=Employment.stu_no And Student.stu_no=Placement.stu_no And Placement.co_id=Employment.co_id; Description: In this query I have selected Employment, Student, Placement tables and have joined them. In addition to that, I have also patched Company ID of Placement with Employment table as well. g. List the names and student ids for students that have undertaken precisely two (2) placements. SELECT DISTINCT Student.stu_fname, Student.stu_no FROM Student WHERE (( SELECT count(*) FROM Placement WHERE (Student.stu_no=Placement.stu_no) ) >= 2 ); Description: I have added a sub query in WHERE clause to filter those students who have at least two placements. h. List the names and student ids for all students and sort the list in reversed alphabetical order (Z to A). SELECT DISTINCT Student.stu_fname, Student.stu_no FROM Student ORDER BY Student.stu_fname DESC; Description: In this query I have added ORDER BY clause to sort data in Descending order. i. Show the average length for placements, where the placement is with Sony and the student goes on to gain employment (with any company). SELECT Company.co_name, avg(SELECT count(*) FROM Placement, Student, Employment WHERE Placement.co_id=Company.co_id and student.stu_no=Employment.stu_no And student.stu_no=Placement.stu_no ) FROM company GROUP BY Company.co_name, Company.co_id HAVING Company.co_name='Sony'; Description: First I have selected the Average number of placements... In a correctly implemented database a student may not be employed and on a placement at the same point in time. However in such a database it is still possible for a student to secure employment before they have completed their placement (i.e. having a starting date for employment while still on placement). Create a query that lists all such occurrences.
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